Certificate Program

Offered through the UMass Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Certificate in Transit Operations and Management is designed to provide opportunities for students to learn about the transit industry and to provide them with the training and tools necessary to become leaders in the field. The program has a balanced focus on academic course work and practical experience to prepare them for jobs within the transit industry.

Academic Contact Administrative Contact
Eric Gonzales
Kris Stetson

Program Objectives

  • Generate awareness among college students about job opportunities and career pathways in the U.S. transit industry
  • Offer certificate to college students who are interested in the transit profession
  • Serve as a model for public transit operators and university partnerships
  • Provide a tool for recruitment and training to replace the aging workforce
  • Encourage collaboration between UMass Transit, UMass Transportation Center, and CTtransit


  • UMass undergraduate or graduate student
  • CEE 410/510 and 418/518 plus 3 other courses
  • 200 hours of supervised internship at a public transit agency such as CTTransit or UMass Transit Services