UMass fleet fueling and owner resources
WEX Fleet Fuel Card
To use the pumps for fueling a Campus Vehicle, you will need:
- Fuel ID: Employees identified by departments as approved fuelers will be able to use the last six digits of their UCard to activate the fuel pumps.
- Wright Express (WEX) card for the vehicle being fueled.
- Current odometer reading for the vehicle being fueled.
Your fuel ID is the Last Six Digits of your UCard/Campus ID. The Campus ID is on the back of the UCard for employees and on the front for students.
Fueling Off-Campus
Wright Express cards can be used by approved fuelers to purchase fuel off-campus at most major gas stations. Off-campus pumps will require the same Driver ID as on-campus. Note that gas stations may occasionally refer to your Driver ID as a "PIN".
Locate a convenient gas station to easily fuel off campus.
For Fueling Information and Help
Please contact Transportation Services at (413) 545-4682 during normal business hours, or if off-campus, Wright Express at (800) 842-0071 24/7/365.
Temporary Fuel Cards
Temporary fuel cards can be loaned to departments who occasionally need to fuel rental vehicles. Please contact Transportation Services at (413) 545-4682 for more information.
For information about University vehicle insurance options, please log into the insurance portal of the UMass President's Treasurer's Office; Then select Insurance. Then click on Auto Insurance & Rental Vehicle Information in the left hand menu for coverage information related to leased, university owned, and rental vehicles .
If you have questions, please contact Fleet Operations at @email or (413) 545-4682.
Accident Procedure
At the scene of an accident involving a State vehicle, the driver shall, unless incapacitated due to injury:
- Call for medical assistance if necessary;
- Notify the police. If this is not immediately possible, the driver must notify the police as soon as he/she is able;
- Obtain all information necessary to fully complete a RMV Motor Vehicle Crash Report [PDF] (available here) and an Owned Vehicle Auto Loss form with the University Treasurer's Office.
After the accident, the driver or Department Fleet Manager is responsible for:
- Calling the University Treasurer's Office within 24 hours of the accident.
- Repairs related to the accident will be billed to the department in the monthly repair recharge. In some cases auto body work may need to be paid for using a purchase order.
- The University Treasurer's Office will subrogate all claims against other driver's insurance companies and collect all funds for the University.
- If an accident causes over $1,000 worth of property damage and/or injury or death, the driver must send a copy of the accident report to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and the police department in whose jurisdiction the accident occurred.
- If a police report was filed in connection with the accident the driver or department Fleet Manager MUST obtain a copy and forward it to the University Treasurer's Office.
In the event that a State employee, driving a State owned vehicle, is involved in an accident that damages their own personal vehicle or other personal property then this incident shall be considered a Conflict of Interest and the Commonwealth of MA cannot be held liable for any damage done to that individual's personal property. As a result, no claim can be brought against the Commonwealth by that driver.
Monthly Charges & Fee Billing
Facilities & Campus Services will provide each department with a monthly notification of pending recharges for fuel and/or vehicle repairs. This notification can be sent by fax or email. Each month, department fleet managers will have a maximum of four business days to notify Facilities & Campus Services of any changes before recharges are processed.
Recharges for fuel purchases will post to account (object) code 754400
Recharges for vehicle repairs will post to account (object) code 768900.
ALL UMass VEHICLES MUST PAY ALL TOLLS AND PARKING FEES. User/owners subject to processing fees if toll and/or parking violations are not paid at time incurred.
To avoid Fleet processing fees, user departments should create and manage their own EZ-Pass toll accounts.
To OPEN a Commercial Business E-Z Pass MA Account please go to:
From the menu options, select "Open a Commercial Business E-ZPass MA Account" by selecting Commercial Prepaid. (You will need to tie the account to a UMass Department BankOne Card)
When setting up the account, please have more than one contact person on the account, and when you setup the required 4-digit PIN, please make sure everyone knows the PIN. Without it, the account will be lost.
You do not have to have a transponder for each vehicle, but all department vehicles (including Trailers) should be listed on your EZPass Account.
Transponders can be shared and are not tied to a specific vehicle, but if the vehicle is listed on the EZPass Account, any toll will flow to your EZ-Pass account by use of the plate number.
Any STATE vehicle listed on your EZPass Account, should list the plate number preceded by "ST", ie plate A925, should be entered as STA925. When entering a plate choose PLATE-STATE NORMAL SERIES.
All vehicles can be added by a bulk/batch import spreadsheet, which is available once the account is setup.
For Questions or assistance setting up a Department Account, call 413-577-PARK or email