Benefits of a Large Research University
Independent research experiences allow students to delve deeper into specific topics, design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and present their findings. Engaging in independent research can be a transformative experience for students, helping them develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills essential for success in academia and industry.
Students are encouraged to join a research group as soon as possible, even as early as their first semester in college. We have a wide range of research in the department ranging from solar cell development to biochemical processes, drug delivery, and the fundamentals of nano-particle formation.
Joining a Research Group
Experience in a research laboratory is now considered a vital part of any course of studies within the sciences. The chemistry department at UMass Amherst recognizes the importance of this research experience and offers numerous ways for students to participate in faculty mentored research.
We advise chemistry majors to become involved in research as soon as their course of studies allows. Generally, this means finding a research advisor and beginning a project by second semester of the sophomore year or first semester junior year, but some faculty eagerly accept freshmen into their research groups.
Contact Potential Faculty Mentors
- In the cover letter include your major, class year, experience, career goals and interests, and express why you are interested in their lab. Provide a resume and your transcript. CNS Career Services and UMass Career Services can help you compile an appropriate resume and cover letter.
- Request an appointment to discuss a possible research project.
- Allow adequate time for the faculty to respond. If necessary, send the faculty mentor a polite follow up email. This process should be started before you even arrive on campus at the beginning of the semester to allow for adequate lag time.
Preparing to Meet with the Potential Faculty Mentor
- Learn the about the PI’s research, the approaches and methodologies used in their lab.
- Prepare questions to ask the PI about the research and specifically inquire about projects available for undergraduate independent research.
- Think about how much time you have available to work in the lab each semester, and take into account your other time commitments when you consider the number of academic credits you want to earn each semester. Most faculty want a minimum commitment of 3 credits or 9-12 hrs of research each week.
- Independent Study (Chem X96 or X96H) credits can range from 1-6 per semester depending on the number of hours per week that a student works in the lab. Chem 388 is 3 credits and the Honors Capstone Experience (Chem 499Y and 499T) earns 3 credits per semester.
There are so many areas of research within chemistry and other related departments that choosing can be difficult! If after viewing our faculty's research projects you are not sure which research groups are the best fit for you and your goals, please make an appointment with the Undergraduate Research Coordinator to help identify potential research projects.
Chemistry majors are permitted to do Independent Research in labs outside of the chemistry department pending approval of the Undergraduate Research Coordinator
Independent research studies range between 1-6 credits and are based on the guideline of 3-4 hrs of work per week per credit. The number for credits varies based on project needs, student credit limits, course schedules, and personal preference.
1 credit = 3-4 hrs per week
2 credit = 6-8 hrs per week
3 credit = 9-12 hrs per week
4 credit = 12-15 hrs per week
5 credit = 15-18 hrs per week
6 credit = 18-21 hrs per week
CHEM 388 is a set 3 credit course required for BS majors (499 is an acceptable substitute).
CHEM 196-496 (variable 1-6 credits) based on the Guideline of 3-4 hrs work per week per 1 credit.
CHEM 196 (Freshmen)
CHEM 296 (Sophomore)
CHEM 396 (Junior)
CHEM 496 (Senior)
CHEM 388 (Junior or Senior) 3 credit course. Required of BS chemistry majors. Graded on research performance and comprehensive research report.
CHEM 196 & CHEM 296 requests should include a brief description of the research project.
CHEM 396 & 496 satisfy BS Upper Level Group B Electives and a more in-depth, full-page, research proposal must be submitted with the enrollment request.
Laboratory Safety Requirements
To ensure student and lab safety, students must be up to date with Laboratory safety certification prior to enrollment. Verification of safety compliance is required at the time of enrollment.
Independent Research Enrollment Form
This form should be used to submit CHEM 196, 296, 396, 496 (1-6 credits) Independent Study and CHEM 388 (3 credits) Independent Research Projects.
CHEM 196ish-496ish and 499's should be submitted directly to the Commonwealth Honors College (
Required Independent Research for BS Majors
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry are required to take Chemistry 388 Independent Research Project (3 cr) or if they are members of the Commonwealth College may instead enroll in Chemistry 499Y and 499T Honors Thesis (3cr. each). The research project may consist of laboratory work or theoretical work or both. Project and research director selected by student with consent of instructor and departmental Undergraduate Research Coordinator required. About 9-12 hours of independent work per week, in close consultation with research director, culminating in written and oral reports. A copy of the written report must be included in the student's academic folder. The recommended timing for 388 is second semester junior year or senior year. Chemistry 499Y is typically taken fall senior year and 499T is taken the spring semester.
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry are not required to take indepedent research courses; unless they are members of CHC in which case they may have to fulfill the Honors Thesis requirement (Chem. 499Y and 499T).
Research for Upper Level Elective Credit
Independent Study 396 or 496 credits (earned during their junior and senior year) satisfy Group B requirements toward the required 12 credits of advanced electives for BS majors. BA majors can take Independent Study (388, 499Y/T, 396 or 496) to satisfy Group A requirements toward the required 9 credits of advanced electives.
Independent Research Courses
CHEM 196, 296, 396, 496 (1-6 credits) Independent Study. 196 (Freshmen), 296 (Sophomore), 396 (Junior), 496 (Senior). Experimental or theoretical study that may involve lab or library work or a combination. Work supervised by faculty sponsor who determines direction of project, nature of reports required, and grade and credit awarded. Complete Chemistry's online Independent Research Proposal enrollment form including a brief description for 196 & 296, or a full-page research proposal for 396 & 496, and email approval from the research advisor. Guideline is 3-4 hrs work per week per 1 credit. Does not satisfy the BS independent research project requirement CHEM 388.
CHEM 196ISH, 296ISH, 396ISH, 496ISH (1-6 credits). Honors Independent Study courses are enrolled through the Commonwealth Honors College.
CHEM 388 (3 credits) Independent Research Project. Required of BS chemistry majors (BA chemistry majors may choose to take course as an elective, but it is not required.) Choose research advisor to sponsor research and complete Chemistry's online Independent Research Proposal enrollment form including a one-page research proposal, and email approval from the research advisor. A GRADED research report is to be completed at the end of the course and be on file within the chemistry department.
CHEM 499 (6 credits). Honors Capstone Experience. Required of BS students taking chemistry departmental honors within the Commonwealth College. These course(s) satisfy the Capstone Experience requirement of the Commonwealth College. The Capstone Experience is usually taken over 2 semesters, but may be accomplished in one semester, if feasible. [Note: To fulfill the chemistry department research requirement students take CHEM 388 OR CHEM 499 – NOT BOTH]. Students choose a research advisor and one other faculty member to serve on the research committee. A research report is to be completed at the end of the course in accordance with Commonwealth Honors College guidelines.
Chemistry CHC students are strongly encouraged to do their Departmental Honors Thesis work in chemistry labs, if possible (Chem 499Y and 499T). However, in the case where a CHC student pursues work in a lab outside chemistry, they must have a chemistry faculty member serving on the thesis committee. The Honors Program Director, has to sign their approval of the Honors Research Contract and accompanying preliminary proposal before enrollment in Chem 499Y/T.