Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
Train for materials science and engineering-focused careers.
The materials science and engineering interdisciplinary graduate program (MSE IDGP) offers non-thesis and thesis-based MS degrees that prepare you for industry careers in this field.
Pursue coursework, obtain equipment and instrumentation training, and perform original research at the forefront of materials science and engineering in state-of-the-art research laboratories and shared facilities at UMass.
Chemistry majors can double-count 12 credits of MSE-approved chemistry courses toward this MS degree.
A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for admission to the 4+1 program, and students should plan to take MSE 601 (fall only) and MIE 611 or 697ABC (both spring only) in their senior year.
Interested students should discuss the option with their academic advisor or contact MSE IDGP at msidgp [at] umass [dot] edu (msidgp[at]umass[dot]edu). For additional program information, including participating faculty, eligibility, and degree requirements, please visit the MSE IDGP website.
Apply to the program through the UMass Amherst Graduate School.
MS deadlines: January 1 for fall admission, and October 1 for spring.