Studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain (Summer 2022) and Alicante, Spain (Winter 2024) 

My first time studying abroad in Spain was a half-spontaneous decision to fulfill my foreign language requirement quicker, since as an international student, I was not expecting to study abroad while at UMass. The month in Salamanca was extremely enriching. I not only grew more confident in my language abilities, but I also thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in the Spanish culture (eventually leading me to add Spanish as my minor, later turned dual major). I got the chance to travel to other parts of the country, visit historical/cultural sites, and explore the city of Salamanca every day, adding to my learning in the fast-paced classes. I loved it so much that I needed to go back for a second program in Alicante, Spain. Though this stay was shorter, I got to witness more local traditions (such as the Three Kings Parade) and better understood the complicated history and attitudes surrounding different eras of the peninsula. I left no stone unturned in my quest to see all of Alicante: stopping at a different café every day before my classes, going on walks to various monuments in the city, and taking day trips to nearby small towns. I am so grateful for both experiences as they offered me an additional worldview, as well as insight into a rich culture and distinct lifestyle. 

Now, I am considering pursuing language documentation and revitalization, which incorporates the understanding of global dynamics acquired through ISP, on top of my love for languages. I could also apply my skill set in cultural awareness and linguistics to TESOL or translation/interpretation. Wherever I land, I want to move away from academia and theoretical linguistics into something in the applied fields, so I can work more hands-on and closely with the language communities I am impacting.