Honors College Announces Request for Proposals for Terrence Murray Professorship

Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) is opening a Request for Proposals for the Terrence Murray Professorship. Funded by an endowment created by Terrence Murray, the Professorship offers members of the faculty of the University of Massachusetts Amherst the opportunity to enhance the honors experience. The Professorship will be awarded for a two or three-year term beginning in the fall of 2023.
In 2018, CHC underwent significant curricular revision, and reinstated the mandatory thesis for students entering CHC in fall 2018 and thereafter. Students can currently meet the thesis requirement through Honors Thesis seminars, one-on-one research, and creative or artistic portfolios. It is important that we find effective and creative ways of offering support, assistance, and guidance to students to successfully complete the Honors Thesis requirement.
To further this endeavor, the current Murray Professor developed a qualitative research project to examine the Honors Thesis Experience for undergraduate honors students. This project was also inspired by the prior work of a former Murray Professor who examined and developed new ways of delivering the thesis experience specifically in STEM fields. Now, CHC is looking for a new Murray Professor who will work with department faculty from across the university to foster excellent disciplinary and multidisciplinary honors strategies that will help departments improve innovative research and creative practices that are inclusive, diverse, and support students throughout their thesis endeavors. Such practices can include the development of research literacy workshops, technical writing assistance, and mentoring/coaching honors students with the goal of improving the excellence of the final written Honors Thesis, which can be a research manuscript or creative portfolio.
- It is expected that the Murray Professor will devote approximately half time to the work of the Professorship. The income from the endowment will be available to reimburse the incumbent’s department for the time focused on the Professorship and for the expenses of program development.
Proposals should be dusher [at] umass [dot] edu (submitted to Dominick Usher), CHC Senior Assistant Dean. Review of proposals will begin shortly after the deadline of February 25, 2023. Notification of award will be made no later than mid-April. For further information, please dusher [at] umass [dot] edu (contact Dominick Usher,) Senior Assistant Dean.
The proposal should include:
- A description of the curricular project proposed (2 pages)
- A budget (NOTE: should not include salary or benefits)
- A letter from the candidate’s department chair or head
- The candidate’s CV
- The names and addresses of three people we can contact for references
Project Description
The project description should present the concept of the interdisciplinary program to be proposed, the target audience(s) (what subset of the staff, faculty and/or student population, if specific) should be described, and an assessment of the expected outcomes, as well as the opportunities created for honors students from this activity. Plans for working with faculty around the university should be addressed, along with a description of how the success of the program will be evaluated.
The budget should specify the amount to be distributed to the candidate’s department for the release of time for project work, and specify the kinds of expenses (e.g., program expenses, student assistant, course release, faculty engagement activities, production of materials, etc.) and the amounts that will be needed during program development. These funds will be disbursed directly by Commonwealth Honors College, excluding indirect costs. Any essential expenses should be shown as direct costs within the budget. Plan for not more than $70,000 per year. Funds can carry forward across fiscal years.
Note: Funds must be spent during the active grant timeline. At the end of the award period, unspent funds will revert to Commonwealth Honors College
Letter from Department Head
The Department Head’s letter should clearly state that the faculty member has the Department’s support, and the Department Head concurs with the proposal and the budget. Since the intent of the Fellowship is to provide ongoing programming for students, the Department Head should address how the work of the faculty may continue after the professorship has ended. When the funds are awarded, an MOU will be established with the Department.
The Candidate’s CV
The candidate need not have the rank of full professor but should be of sufficient reputation within his or her discipline for an award of distinction within the University.
Proposals should be dusher [at] umass [dot] edu (submitted to Dominick Usher), CHC Senior Assistant Dean, via e-mail as a PDF attachment no later than February 25, 2023.