About Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure
Students in the Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Pathway may enroll in university day courses or University Without Walls credit courses. Most university teacher preparation pathways require a minimum two-semester commitment. Coursework and field experience are followed by a semester of student teaching. Course requirements and field placements are the responsibility of the individual teacher preparation pathway, not University Without Walls. Students in this pathway may take up to 18 credits per semester without special overload permission, but are subject to all other University Without Walls and University of Massachusetts academic regulations.
This program leads to initial teacher licensure in Massachusetts. Because of reciprocity agreements between states, you may be able to transfer your license to another state. However, the College of Education at UMass Amherst makes no guarantees that this program meets teacher licensure requirements in any state other than Massachusetts. If you are seeking licensure in another state, you should contact Beverley Bell, Assistant Dean of Educator Preparation, bjbell [at] umass [dot] edu (bjbell[at]umass[dot]edu), (413)545-2701 for more information about how to determine whether this program will be appropriate for you. Access to your state’s licensing agency is available on the Teacher Licensure Agency Directory.
For spring admission, completed applications must be submitted by October 1. The deadline for fall admission is March 1. Applications received after these deadlines may be considered at the discretion of the individual licensure pathway. Admission to specific pathways is competitive and on a space available basis. APPLY HERE