Bjorn H. Nordtveit
Chair, Department of Educational Policy, Research, & Administration
Interim Director of Center for International Education
Contact details
Furcolo Hall
813 N Pleasant St
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
Bjorn H. Nordtveit is an Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst since 2011, after serving for five years as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong. He has also served as visiting faculty at Zhejiang Normal University. Prior to joining academia, he worked for twelve years (1994-2005) with UNESCO in the Lao PRD and with the World Bank (mostly in West African countries) on non-formal youth and adult education. Bjorn H. Nordtveit is the editor of the Comparative Education Review (2013-2023).
- B.A., (History) Pantéon-Sorbonne
- B.A., Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Lao Language)
- Master of Philosophy, Sorbonne (These de l'´Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section IV)
- Ph.D., International Education Policy, University of Maryland, 2005
Bjorn H. Nordtveit's research, teaching and writing focus on three areas: (i) aid effectiveness in education and development, including public-private partnerships and integrated service provision; (ii) child protection in contexts of adversity; and (iii) critical and alternative epistemologies, including critical auto ethnography, decolonial methods and critical discourse analysis. His most recent book is Schools as Protection? Reinventing Education in Contexts of Adversity (Springer 2016).
Books and monographs
Nordtveit, B.H. (2016). Schools as protection? Reinventing education in contexts of adversity. Dordrecht: Springer.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2009). Constructing Development: Civil Society and Literacy in a Time of Globalization. Dordrecht: Springer.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2004). Managing Public-private Partnerships: Lessons from Literacy Education in Senegal. Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series – No. 72. Washington DC: World Bank.
Peer reviewed book chapters
Nordtveit, B. H. & F. Nordtveit (2020). “The Educational Intelligent Economy and Big Data in Comparative and International Education Research: A Decolonial Vision,” pp. 33-51, in Tavis Jules and Florin Salajan (Eds), The Educational Intelligent Economy, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2017). “Peace Education in Active Conflict,” pp.1-6, in Michel Peters (ed), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Singapore: Springer.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2016). “Trends in comparative and international education: perspectives from the Comparative Education Review” pp. 27 – 37, in Alexander W. Wiseman (ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2016. (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 30) Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2016). “The Comparative Education Review” pp. 140-154, in Erwin H. Epstein (ed.), (2016), Crafting a Global Field: Six Decades of the Comparative and International Education Society. Hong Kong and Dordrecht: CERC Studies in Comparative Education, Springer.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2012). “World Bank Poetry: How the Education Sector Strategy 2020 imagines the world” pp. 21-32, in Steven J. Klees, Joel Samoff, Nelly P. Stromquist Eds., (2012). The World Bank and Education: Critiques and Alternatives. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2012). “Child labor and education” pp. 321-326 in J. Banks, Ed., (2012) Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education.Thousand Oaks: SAGE publications.
Nordtveit, B.H. & Bray, M. (2012). pp. 134-137 “Colonialism and Education in Asia” in J. Banks Ed., (2012) Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Thousand Oaks: SAGE publications.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2020). “The Press behind the Review: On the Relationship between the Comparative Education Review and the University of Chicago Press” Comparative Education Review, 64(3), pp. 356–362.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2019). “Scholarly Publication as Scientific Knowledge Production: Vision of the Editors versus Review by Peers” Comparative Education Review, 63(3), pp. 309–314.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2018). “How to Run an International Academic Journal in the Time of “America First,” Comparative Education Review, 62(3), 311-324.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2018). “Data Sharing in Comparative and International Education.” Comparative Education Review, 62(1), 1-4.
Nordtveit, B.N. & Editorial Team. (2017). “On Methodology in Comparative and International Education.” Comparative Education Review, 61(4), 669-674.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2017). “The Comparative Education Review at 60: Still Pondering “Which Way Is Up?” Comparative Education Review, 61(2), 237-239.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2015). “Expanded knowledge production in an amorphous field: the "case" of the Comparative Education Review's yearly bibliography.” Comparative Education Review, 59(4), 591-594.
Nordtveit, B.N. (2014). “Transition, Vision, and Polycentric Futures.” Comparative Education Review, 58(1), 1-5.
Refereed journal articles
Nordtveit, B. H. (2015). “Knowledge Production in a Constructed Field: Reflections on Comparative and International Education.” Asia Pacific Education Review. 16(2), 1-11.
Menefee, J.W. & Nordtveit, B.H. (2012). “Disaster, civil society and education in China: a case study of an independent non-government organization working in the aftermath of the Wenchuan Earthquake” International Journal of Education Development. 32(4), 600-607.
Mak, M. & Nordtveit, B.H. (2011). “ ‘Reasonable accommodation’ or education for all? The case of children living with disabilities in Cambodia.” Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 22(1), 55-64.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2011). “Politics, guanxi and the search for objectivity: the intricacies of conducting educational research in Chinese contexts.” Comparative Education, 43(3). 367-380.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2011). An emerging donor in education and development: A case study of China in Cameroon. International Journal of Educational Development. 31(2), 99-108.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2010). “Discourses of education, protection, and child labor: Case studies of Benin, Namibia and Swaziland.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 31(5), 699-712.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2010). “Towards Post-Globalization? The Construction of Universal Education and Development Discourses.” Globalisation, Societies and Education. 8(3), 321-37.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2010). “Schools as Agencies of Protection in Namibia and Swaziland: Can They Prevent Dropout and Child Labor in the Context of HIV/AIDS and Poverty?” Comparative Education Review. 54(2), 223-242.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2009). “Development as a complex process of change: Conception and analysis of projects, programs and policies.” International Journal of Educational Development. 30(1), 110-117.
Nordtveit, B. H. (2009). “Western and Chinese development discourses: Education, growth and sustainability.” International Journal of Educational Development, 29(2), 157-165.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2008). “Producing Literacy and Civil Society: The Case of Senegal” Comparative Education Review. 52(2), 175-198.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2008). “Poverty Alleviation and Integrated Service Delivery: Literacy, Early Child Development and Health,” International Journal of Educational Development. 28(4), 405-418.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2007). “Complexity Theory in Development.” Comparative Education Bulletin (Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong). No. 10, 19-28.
Nordtveit, B.H. (2006). “Three Models of Development: The Washington Consensus, the Santiago Consensus, the Beijing Consensus.” Comparative Education Bulletin (Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong). No. 9, 43-52.
Selected applied research and evaluation reports (2009-present)
International Rescue Committee. Vas-Y Fille! project in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Endline Report (2017); Midline Report (2016); Annual Report (2015); Baseline Report (2014). Funded by Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC), Department for International Development, UK.
World Bank, Washington DC. (2017). Literacy Concept Note.
Sistemas Familia y Sociedad. (2016). Independent Interim Evaluation of The Myanmar Program on the Elimination of Child Labor. Sistemas Familia y Sociedad/U.S. Department of Labor/International Labour Organization.
Sistemas Familia y Sociedad. (2015). Independent Midterm Evaluation of the “Rwanda Education Alternatives For Children in Tea Growing Areas.” Sistemas Familia y Sociedad/ U.S. Department of Labor.
Macro International. (2012). USDOL-funded International Child Labor Elimination Projects (2009-2012): A Synthesis Review of Evaluation Reports (review of USDOL education programs implemented in 2009 – 2012 to prevent the worst forms of child labor). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2011). Vocational Training for Children and Youth: Transitioning Towards Non Exploitative Employment(review of USDOL vocational training programs to prevent the worst forms of child labor). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2011). Independent Final Evaluation of the Children’s Empowerment through Education Services (CHES) project in Cambodia. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2011). Independent Midterm Evaluation of the “Stop Exploitive Labor and Educate Children for Tomorrow” (SELECT) Program in Guinea. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2009). Independent Midterm Evaluation of the Children’s Empowerment through Education Services (CHES) project in Cambodia. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2009). Independent Midterm Evaluation of the Réduire l’Exploitation des Enfants Travailleurs par l’Education (REETE) Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2008). Independent Final Evaluation of Combating Child Labor and Exploitation through Education in Guinea (CCLEE). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2008). “Country Report, Namibia.” Final Independent Evaluation Reducing Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Southern Africa (RECLISA). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2008). “Country Report, Swaziland.” Final Independent Evaluation Reducing Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Southern Africa (RECLISA). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2007). Independent Final Evaluation of Education First: Combating Child Trafficking Through Education in Benin. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2007). “Country Report, Namibia.” Mid-Term Independent Evaluation of Reducing Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Southern Africa (RECLISA). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2007). “Country Report, Swaziland.” Mid-Term Independent Evaluation of Reducing Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Southern Africa (RECLISA). Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Macro International. (2006). Independent Midterm Evaluation of Education First: Combating Child Trafficking Through Education in Benin. Calverton, MD: ORC/MACRO International Inc.
Nordtveit, B. H. (2005). “Public-Private Partnerships and Outsourcing” (Background Paper to EFA Global Montoring Report 2006, Paris, UNESCO),
Nordtveit, B.H. (2005). “Family Literacy” (Background Paper to EFA Global Monitoring Report 2006, Paris, UNESCO),
Nordtveit, B.H. (2005). “Senegal case study” (Background Paper to EFA Global Monitoring Report 2006, Paris, UNESCO),
Selected grants:
UMass: Principal Investigator: Comparative Education Review Editorship 2018-2023 and 2013-2018.
UMass: Principal Investigator, Vas-Y Fille, 2013-2015. Extended in 2015 until 2017.
University of Hong Kong Principal Investigator, 2008-2011: China as an Aid Donor: The Case of Education in Africa (中國成為援助捐助者: 非洲教育的事例): Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, PRC. General Research Fund (GRF): project reference #750008 (Humanities/Education).