Jianyu Li
Undergraduate and Graduate Faculty—Extension Assistant Professor of Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production

Jianyu Li is an Extension professor focused on advancing sustainable agriculture via organic nutrient management and plant nutrition for fruit and vegetable production, as well as resource optimization in controlled environments like greenhouses.
Extension Assistant Professor, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (August 2024 to Present)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Plant Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (October 2023-Feb 2024)
Scientist III, Crop Research Lead, Plenty Unlimited Inc. (February 2022 to September 2023)
Ph.D. in Horticultural Science with a minor in Soil and Water Sciences (2021), University of Florida
M.S. in Plant Pathology (2016), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
B.S. in Plant Protection (2013), Hebei Agricultural University
My research interests span two interconnected areas crucial for advancing sustainable agriculture. The first focuses on organic nutrient management and plant nutrition for sustainable fruit and vegetable production in Massachusetts. This involves studying how cover crop, composts, organic fertilizers, and other natural nutrient sources can be optimally used to support healthy crop growth and high yields while maintaining soil health and minimizing environmental impact. It also involves exploring the complex interactions between organic nutrients, soil microorganisms, and plant root systems to enhance nutrient uptake efficiency. My second area of interest centers on resource optimization in controlled environment agriculture (CEA). This research aims to maximize the efficiency of inputs like water, energy, and nutrients in systems such as high tunnels, greenhouses, and indoor vertical farms.
J. Li, X. Zhao, G.M. Landry, B.R. Paudel. 2021. Dynamics of soil nitrogen availability following sunn hemp residue incorporation in organic strawberry production systems. HortScience 56:138-146.
J. Li, X. Zhao, L.S. Bailey, M.N. Kamat, K.B. Basso. 2021. Identification and characterization of proteins, lipids, and metabolites of two organic fertilizer products derived from different nutrient sources. Applied Biological Chemistry. 64, 72.
J. Li, A. Martin, L. Carver, S. Armstrong, S. Givens, K. Walters. 2024. Optimizing sowing density for parsley, cilantro, and sage in controlled environment production: balancing productivity and plant quality. HortTechnology. 34:305-312.
J. Li, X. Zhao, J.K. Brecht, L.S. Bailey, J. Colee. 2024. Seaweed extract and microbial biostimulants show synergistic effects on organic strawberry production. HortScience. 59:1114–1126.
J. Li, X. Zhao, J.K. Brecht, S. Agehara. 2024. Effects of sunn hemp, vermicompost, and organic fertilizers on organic strawberry plant growth, fruit yield and quality. International Journal of Fruit Science. In press.
S. Fan, F. Tian, J. Li, W. Hutchins, H. Chen, F. Yang, X. Yuan, Z. Cui, C.H. Yang, C. He. 2016. Identification of phenolic compounds that suppress the virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae on rice via the type III secretion system. Molecular Plant Pathology 18:555-568.