Wu Wins Editor's Prize for Best Scholarly Paper in Nonprofit Management & Leadership
The Editorial board of Nonprofit Management & Leadership and ARNOVA, the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, have recognized Viviana Chiu Sik Wu, Assistant Professor at the UMass Amherst School of Public Policy, with the Editor's Prize for "Community leadership as multi-dimensional capacities: A conceptual framework and preliminary findings for community foundations." The paper is published in Nonprofit Management and Leadership volume 32.
Wu's work advances theoretical development and fosters a critical understanding of how inequality manifests in the nonprofit sector, alongside endeavors to democratize power and promote distributive justice. In her winning study, Wu "contributes to building the conceptual foundation" for understanding leadership capacities and specialities of community foundations, and "provides preliminary evidence to advance future research on the foundations' role in community leadership."
ARNOVA is the top professional organization for research on nonprofit organizations. The award will be presented to Wu at the 52nd annual ARNOVA annual conference, November 16-18, 2023.