SBS Signature Programs
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) offers incredible opportunities for students to connect with alumni, participate in internship programs, study abroad, work with your peers, and so much more. Learn more about the signature programs the College offers.
SBS in DC is an exciting internship program that connects SBS majors with UMass alumni working in Washington, DC. The program has proven to be a stepping stone for students interested in careers in policy, government, non-profits, international development, strategy, marketing, and more. Program participants live together as a cohort in DC and are matched with hosts for a semester-long internship, while also having the chance to attend professional development and networking opportunities with alumni and professionals from the Washington, DC region. Students participate in a class related to their major, earning 12-15 credits for the semester.
SBS in Boston
SBS in Boston provides the opportunity for SBS majors to spend a semester living and interning in the greater Boston area while earning credit toward their degree. Internship opportunities, including mentorship by UMass Amherst alumni, provide experiences across a variety of fields. Students in the cohort live in the dorms on the Mount Ida Campus, participate in a professional development class every Friday, and receive a full semester's worth of credits (financial aid will apply).
SBS in Boston internships have included:
- the Massachusetts State Appeals Court
- the Office of Senator Elizabeth Warren
- the Office of the Governor of the State of Massachusetts
- State Street Corporation
- The Castle Group
Learn more about SBS in Boston.
Law & Policy Justice Program
The new Law and Policy Justice Program (LPJ) at the Mount Ida Campus is for students who are interested in law, government, and social justice-related careers. Taking place during the spring semester, students live at the beautiful Mount Ida Campus in Newton, MA, complete the Social Justice in Practice: Law, Politics, and Policy course, and complete an internship in the Greater Boston area. This program is open to all UMass Amherst undergraduate majors, but targets students in their junior and senior years.
SBS Shadows
The SBS Shadows program provides a one-day job shadowing experience over winter break that gives students the opportunity to spend time with a UMass alumni or other host at their place of work. Through observation and conversation, students will learn more about a profession, receive career-related advice, and see firsthand how their experience in SBS can prepare them for life after college.
SBS RISE—Remedying Inequity through Student Engagement—creates community and provides specialized academic programs and support for underrepresented students within the college. Part of SBS Pathways, the advising office for the college, the program is focused on serving undergraduates who identify as first-generation, Black, Indigenous, or other Persons of Color (BIPOC), and those who come from low-income backgrounds. Students do not need to submit an application to participate in SBS RISE events or opportunities, as they are automatically a member of the community by opting to major in an SBS program.
SBS Peer Advising
Peer advising drop-in hours:
- Monday–Thursday: 10:00 am–4:30 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am–1:30 pm
128 Thompson Hall
SBS Pathways, the advising center for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, offers a peer internship program for SBS majors. Peer interns offer guidance and support to new SBS students, including advice on planning for academic, experiential, and career opportunities. SBS peer advisors are in their sophomore, junior, or senior year, come from many different places and backgrounds, and represent a diversity of majors from across the College.