Contact Us
Mailing Address
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003-9244
SBS Dean's Office
%20carriebergma [at] umass [dot] edu (Carrie Bergman) Assistant Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications | 220 Draper Hall |
jacmbradley [at] umass [dot] edu (Jackie Bradley) Assistant to the Associate Deans | 219 Draper Hall |
bcasey [at] uma-foundation [dot] org (Brandan Casey) Associate Director of Engagement and Annual Giving | 320 Draper Hall |
%20cchatter [at] umass [dot] edu (Connie Chatterton) Human Resources Specialist | 236 Draper Hall 413-545-4172 |
%20sdepaula [at] umass [dot] edu (Saulo DePaula) Associate Dean of Administration and Finance | 229 Draper Hall 413-545-7185 |
%20relkins [at] uma-foundation [dot] org (Robin Elkins) Senior Executive Director of Development & Chief Development Officer | 212 Draper Hall |
%20kforde [at] journ [dot] umass [dot] edu (Kathy Roberts Forde) Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion Professor of Journalism | S471 Integrated Learning Center |
%20michael [dot] heffernan [at] umass [dot] edu (Michael Heffernan) Information Technology Lead | 213 Draper Hall |
%20lkendall [at] uma-foundation [dot] org (Liz Kendall) Associate Director of Development | 320 Draper Hall |
%20lkruzlic [at] umass [dot] edu (Lindsay Kruzlic) Human Resources Assistant | 201B Draper Hall 413-545-4172 |
%20mlibardi [at] umass [dot] edu (Mary Ann Libardi) Director of Human Resources | 201 Draper Hall 413-545-4186 |
%20lundquist [at] sbs [dot] umass [dot] edu (Jennifer Lundquist) Senior Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development Professor of Sociology | 225 Draper Hall 413-545-5977 |
jmarshall [at] uma-foundation [dot] org (Jordan Marshall) Director of Donor Relations | 320 Draper Hall |
%20mneiderbach [at] uma-foundation [dot] org (Margaux Neiderbach) Director of Development | 320 Draper Hall |
%20phillips [at] comm [dot] umass [dot] edu (Lynn Phillips) Senior Associate Dean of Education and Student Development Senior Lecturer II of Communication | 226 Draper Hall 413-545-4135 |
%20robinson [at] umass [dot] edu (Lauren Robinson) Accountant | 202 Draper Hall 413-545-1607 |
%20rrethemeyer [at] umass [dot] edu (R. Karl Rethemeyer) Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Professor of Public Policy | 230 Draper Hall |
%20sam [dot] jackson [at] umass [dot] edu (Sam Sarfaty-Jackson) Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications | 218 Draper Hall 413-687-5403 |
%20jsars [at] umass [dot] edu (Julie Sarsynski) Executive Assistant to the Dean | 231 Draper Hall 413-545-7146 |
%20danielle [dot] sedelow [at] umass [dot] edu (Danielle Sedelow) Human Resources Specialist | 201 Draper Hall 413-577-0780 |
%20issu [at] umass [dot] edu (Sam Su) Lead Manager | 214 Draper Hall |
%20tszumita [at] umass [dot] edu (Tom Szumita) Assistant Dean of Finance and Planning | 235 Draper Hall 413-545-7184 |
%20mviscione [at] umass [dot] edu (Mikayla Viscione) Associate Director of Events and Projects | 223 Draper Hall 413-545-3282 |
%20mwangi [at] econs [dot] umass [dot] edu (Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji) Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion Associate Professor of Economics | 103 Crotty Hall 413-545-9640 |
%20mwalsh [at] sbs [dot] umass [dot] edu (Melissa Walsh) Director of Finance | 413-545-4405 |
%20mworoner [at] umass [dot] edu (Morgan Woroner) Associate Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications | 216 Draper Hall |
SBS Pathways Center
%20mamandi [at] umass [dot] edu (Malika Amandi) Assistant Director of Career and Professional Development | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20eaulenback [at] umass [dot] edu (Emma Aulenback) Coordinator of Internship and Field Experience Programs | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20rlbell [at] umass [dot] edu (Rebecca Bell) Director of High Impact Practice Initiatives | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20vblais [at] umass [dot] edu (Vanessa Blais) Academic Dean | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20fboisson [at] umass [dot] edu (Fabienne Boisson) Assistant Director of the SBS Pathways Center | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20jbrousse [at] umass [dot] edu (Jackie Brousseau-Pereira) Assistant Dean Director of First Year Seminars | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20oburkett [at] umass [dot] edu (Odessa Burkett) Assistant Director of Career and Professional Development | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20prelaw [at] acad [dot] umass [dot] edu (Diane Curtis) Director of Pre-Law Advising | 210 Thompson Hall 413-577-0396 |
%20kdenham [at] umass [dot] edu (Koni Denham) Director of Student Success | 128 Thompson Hall 413-545-0694 |
%20gray [at] umass [dot] edu (Kelly Gray) Assistant Dean Executive Director of the SBS Pathways Center | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20fgriffinfenn [at] umass [dot] edu (Felicia Griffin-Fennell) Director of SBS RISE Lecturer of Sociology | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20andrealydick [at] umass [dot] edu (Andrea Lydick) Office Manager | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20kmiller [at] umass [dot] edu (Karen Miller) Associate Director for Professional Education Lecturer | 128 Thompson Hall 413-345-5415 |
%20csalmon [at] umass [dot] edu (Charlotte Salmon) Academic Advisor | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |
%20csharick [at] umass [dot] edu (Carol Sharick) Director of Career and Professional Development | 128 Thompson Hall 413-577-1057 |