Dana MacDonald
Dana MacDonald works on paleo-ecological (Pleistocene/Holocene) reconstructions of drought, fire, and hurricanes.

Sadiyah Malcolm
Sadiyah Malcolm's work centers Black girlhoods, sexualities, adultification, the afterlives of colonialism, and performance.
Andrew March
Andrew March's research interests include political philosophy, Islamic law and political thought, religion and political theory.

Michael Marr
School of Public Policy
602 Thompson Hall

Jordan Marshall
SBS Dean's Office
320 Draper Hall
Patrick Mason
Professor of Economics
Patrick Mason's areas of interest include labor, political economy, development, education, social identity, and crime.

Nicholas McBride
Nicholas McBride’s courses cover newswriting, the philosophy of journalism, and community journalism.

Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy studies the relationship between law and society in Russia, police and law enforcement institutions, civilian oversight, and human trafficking.

Brian McDermott
Undergraduate Program Director
Brian McDermott has published photography, multimedia, and writing in the New York Times, the New York Daily News, the Associated Press, Quartz, and Bon Appétit

Kathryn McDermott
Kathryn McDermott conducts research on how federal, state, and local education policy affects educational equity.