Patrick Mason
Professor of Economics
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Patrick L. Mason (Ph.D., Economics, New School for Social Research, 1991) is professor of economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst. His primary areas of interest include labor, political economy, development, education, social identity, and crime. He is particularly interested in racial inequality, educational achievement, income distribution, unemployment, economics of identity (race and religion), family environment and socioeconomic wellbeing, and transitions in family structure and public policy, racial profiling, computerization and employment, and innovation and development in Caribbean economies.
In addition to membership in the America Economic Association and the National Economic Association, Professor Mason is also the past Chairman of the Board of Directors, Partners for Dignity & Rights (formerly, the National Economic & Social Rights Initiative (NESRI)); and, Member, Board of Directors, Fair Foods Standards Council (FFSC). Professor Mason is general editor of the International Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, 2nd Edition, Macmillan Reference USA (February 2013) and author of The economics of structural racism, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming). He has authored nearly 100 journal articles, book chapters, books, and other professional publications.
Dr. Mason’s previous academic appointments include Florida State University, University of Notre Dame, Wayne State University, University of California – Riverside, University of Michigan – Flint, Tuskegee University, and an adjunct appointment at Atlanta University. Professor Mason’s professional service activities include: Program Director, AEA Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP) Mentoring Program (August, 2009 – August, 2013); Mentor, Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE, 2009 – 2010); Chair, CSMGEP, American Economic Association, 2002 – 2004; Member, CSMGEP, American Economic Association, 1991 – 2001; President, National Economic Association, 2002; Moderator and Founder, National Economic Association Listserv, November 6, 1996 – present; Moderator and Founder, American Society of Hispanic Economics Listserv (2002 – present).