Student Farming Enterprise Receives $15K Grant from State

A number of farms in the region have received grants from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources to support initiatives such as meeting stringent food safety standards, enhancing soil health through composting, and adapting to the impacts of climate change. These regional farms were awarded a combined total of approximately $579,000, contributing to a broader effort that includes more than 100 grants totaling $3.6 million across the state.
As the Daily Hampshire Gazette reported, recipients include the Student Farming Enterprise, part of the College of Natural Sciences's Stockbridge School of Agriculture:
"The UMass-Student Farming Enterprise, Amherst, received $15,500 for the UMass Agricultural Learning Center for pasture management practices...establishing resiliency against extreme weather events while building soil health and improving animal welfare."
— The Daily Hampshire Gazette
Learn about other recipients in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.