
The mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata)

Bethany Bradley, professor in the College of Natural Sciences's Department of Environmental Conservation, recently answered questions around invasive plants for a Q&A published on the company Lawn Love's blog. The blog post, entitled "Creeping In: 2024’s States Most At Risk for Invasive Plant Species" (which listed Massachusetts as #3), inquired about non-native plant species' effect on the environment, the benefits of landscaping with native plants, and other topics. When asked to name "three invasive plants in the U.S. to watch out for," Bradley broadened the scope considerably:

"Unfortunately, there are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of invasive plants in the U.S. Once you learn a few in your area, you’ll probably start noticing them everywhere."

— Bethany Bradley

Click here to read the full blog post.

Article posted in Careers for Public