For Employers
Thank you for your interest in recruiting the talented and diverse students in the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) at UMass Amherst. There are many ways you can partner with us to attract top talent.
UMass Amherst has space for on-campus interviews at no cost. Please contact careerservices [at] umass [dot] edu (careerservices[at]umass[dot]edu), or call 413-545-2224 to make arrangements.
If you have any questions about branding your organization on campus or recruiting, please contact jbordwin [at] umass [dot] edu (Janet Bordwin), Director, Career & Professional Development Center, College of Natural Sciences.
UMass Amherst requires that all employers recruiting UMass Amherst students adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethnical Professional Practice, and the terms and conditions set forth by UMass Amherst’s career centers.
As such, any job postings shared by employers on Handshake and that are accessible by UMass Amherst students are expected to be in-line within these defined guidelines and compliant with federal and state law.
Students are encouraged to apply to any postings of interest, regardless of any limitations on immigration/citizenship status stated in the job description. For information on positions that may exempt applications based on immigration/citizenship status, visit the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section website.
UMass Amherst students are expected to do their due diligence while reviewing job applications by considering the qualifications for each job carefully before applying. Neither UMass Amherst nor Handshake will prevent you from applying for any position listed on
Return to the CNS Career & Professional Development Center homepage.
Internships and Co-ops
We encourage our students to have both internship and co-op experiences. While co-ops are always for pay, they can also include credit if a student wants it. Students are responsible for working with the Career Office and their faculty sponsor on setting up an experience for credit. Learn more about internships and co-ops at UMass Amherst.
The University of Massachusetts Amherst complies with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regarding unpaid internships. In order to protect themselves from any potential liability which could arise from the offering of an unpaid internship, the employer should make sure that the internship opportunity meets the guidelines developed by the Fair Labor Standards Act referenced above.
Job Boards/Handshake
Handshake is the UMass Amherst career recruiting platform.
Post your internships, co-ops and full-time positions in Handshake. You can specify the cohort of students you are looking for, i.e. the majors they study, year of graduation, and whether they are undergrads, graduate students, or post-docs. If you don’t yet have a Handshake account, log in here and set one up. If you need additional help, here are two guides:
If you have positions that would be appropriate for our building and construction technology students please post them on their specific job board as well. BCT students are accustomed to looking in both places:
Corporate Partnerships
Expand your recruitment and presence on campus by becoming a corporate partner of the CNS Career Center.
If you choose to be one of our corporate partners, we will brand our materials with your logo, you will receive a free table at one of our career fairs, you’ll have the option of a one-on-one discussion with the Career Center director on how to improve your recruiting in the College of Natural Sciences, and we’ll provide complimentary pizza/snacks for students for one, on-campus information session for the year.
Please contact Janet Bordwin to learn more.
We welcome recruiters to engage with our students. All Third Party Recruiters & Staffing Firms need to sign our Third Party Recruiter Guidelines for UMass Amherst, which includes mentioning the name of the company in your job ad, as well as at career fairs. Please complete the form and return it to Janet Bordwin.
Employer Information Sessions and Workshops
Employer information sessions and workshops are great ways to meet with students in a low-key manner. You can bring recruiters, scientists, alumni, or others from your organization to get your message across to students. We will continue to offer both in-persona and virtual employer information sessions.
You can also post your own workshops and events on Handshake. Please contact us before scheduling your event so we can help you position it at a time that doesn’t conflict with other career events.
Please contact Janet Bordwin to learn more about scheduling your session at a time that works best for you and with our students’ schedules.
Career Fairs
The College of Natural Sciences hosts seven career fairs each academic year and the university as a whole supports 20+ more.
Check Handshake for the complete schedule of each year’s fairs and for registration information. You can also view a combined list of campus Career Fairs on the Career Development & Professional Connections website.