The turfgrass science and management major at UMass Amherst is an applied science program focusing on the production and maintenance of grassed areas, including home lawns, parks, golf courses, and other athletic surfaces.

In this BS degree, you’ll integrate scientific theory with practical experience, covering topics like grass and seed identification, turfgrass culture and physiology, pest control, and equipment maintenance. You’ll also learn how to design and maintain environmentally conscious grassed areas, as well as how to use cutting-edge technology—including geographic laser scanners, drones, and wireless robotic stations—in the field.

You can select a business management focus—ideal for those interested in running or starting a business—or a science focus to delve into the biology, chemistry, and calculus of the discipline.

After graduating, you’ll be ready for employment in the golf course industry, which is experiencing a labor shortage of well-trained turfgrass experts. Sports turf management and the lawn care industry also employ many of our graduates in areas as varied as direct lawn maintenance, research, and sales.