The BS in horticultural science is science-based education that applies to a variety of careers in landscape plant production and the use of plant materials in constructed and natural landscapes. 

As a major, you’ll have access to an exciting curriculum providing fundamental knowledge in plant biology, soil and nutrient management, the life of potential insect pests and plant diseases, and beneficial organisms that help support plants.  

You can choose from two focus areas, depending on your future career plans: 

  • A science focus is for you if you’re interested in graduate school or technical careers in the horticultural industries.
  • A business focus is for you if you want to own a business or work for a plant production facility, a landscape operation, or in horticultural product sales.  

Outside of the classroom, you’ll also gain practical experience in both landscape and edible crops, with university-operated greenhouses, vegetable fields, and orchards at your disposal.