Acceptance to the Bachelor of Music (Composition, JAAMS, Music Education, Performance), Bachelor of Arts in Music (Applied Music, JAAMS), and Minor in Music is determined by audition.
All auditions must be completed by the last day of classes during the semester before intended enrollment.
Prospective freshman intending to major primarily in music must complete the audition by February 28 for purposes of admissibility and scholarship consideration.
To sign up for an audition, a Music Application must be submitted.
Concentrations in Composition, Music History, and Music Theory require supporting materials instead of, or in addition to, an audition.
All applicants who wish to have a Remote Audition must have approval of the faculty.
Live auditions are strongly preferred over remote auditions.
Applicants must email @email before submitting the Music Application to request permission. In the request, please include:
- Your instrument
- Your intended degree
- Where you live
- Your reason for requesting a remote audition
Prospective music students should only request a Remote Audition under the following circumstances:
- Travel to campus is prohibitive due to distance, cost, or health concerns.
- The applicant is unable to attend any of the live Audition Days and cannot arrange a Special Arrangement audition before an audition deadline.
For questions about auditions, please contact Music Admissions Director Nate Gowen at @email or by phone at 413-545-6048.
Professor Cobus du Toit, @email
Live Audition Requirements
Please prepare all of the following pieces for solo performance at your audition:
- A movement/work from the Baroque/Classical style period
- A movement/work composed between 1800 and 1980
- A movement/work composed after 1980
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. After submitting the Music Application, please contact Prof. du Toit via email at @email to set up a date and time.
Professor Fredric T. Cohen, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- A piece such as Vivaldi's Concerto in A Minor, Mozart's Concerto in C Major K314, Schumann's Drei Romanzen or Hindemith's Sonata for Oboe & Piano.
- An etude by Barrett or Ferling which demonstrates technical ability.
Major and minor scales, arpeggios and chromatic scales slurred and with standard articulation throughout the practical range of the instrument.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Prepare an etude, as well as a fast movement and slow movement from a sonata or concerto.
Students demonstrate this repertoire via their choice of one of the following mediums:
- Video Link: Prepare a video of the Remote Audition Requirements. If you choose this option, the link to this video must be included with the submission of the Music Application. (YouTube is recommended). Raw video files are not accepted. - OR -
- Zoom audition: Contact Prof. Cohen at @email after submitting the Music Application to set up a date and time for a live audition via Zoom to demonstrate the Remote Audition Requirements.
Professor Romie de Guise-Langlois, @email
Prospects may perform the audition on either Bb or bass clarinet. However, all clarinet auditionees will be asked to demonstrate aspects of the Technique requirements on Bb clarinet (e.g. scales). Since the department does not provide instruments, bass clarinetists should have a Bb clarinet with them for the audition.
Live Audition Requirements
- Two (2) contrasting movements from the standard literature for clarinet, such as the Mozart or von Weber concertos or the sonatas of Hindemith or Saint-Saëns, etc.
- Two (2) etudes, one fast and one slow, selected from Rose 32 Etudes.
Major and harmonic minor scales, arpeggios and chromatic scales slurred throughout the full range of the instrument, in consecutive sixteenth notes. The faculty will request 2 major scales and 2 harmonic minor scales (in addition to a chromatic scale) for the applicant to demonstrate in this fashion.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video performing one (1) piece chosen from the four required repertoire pieces of the Live Audition Requirements.
- Submit a link to your video with your Music Application submission. YouTube is the recommended video platform, though any medium that smoothly provides both video and audio is permitted.
- Raw video files are not accepted.
- Following submission of the video, students who perform to faculty expectation will be invited to have a streamed audition via Zoom. The student will be contacted to work out a date and time.
- Zoom audition requirements are identical to the Live Audition Requirements.
Professor Rémy Taghavi, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Two (2) contrasting movements from a work (or works) for solo bassoon, bassoon and piano, or bassoon and orchestra. The movements need not come from the same piece.
One (1) etude of the applicant's choice, selected from a major etude book (Milde, Jancourt, etc.)
Two major scales and two melodic minor scales of the applicant's choice, each at least two octaves, up to three octaves if possible.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video of the Live Audition Requirements listed above.
- Submit a link to your video with your Music Application submission. YouTube is the recommended video platform, though any medium that smoothly provides both video and audio is permitted.
- Raw video files are not accepted.
Professor Jonathan Hulting-Cohen, @email
Jazz Saxophone: Professor Felipe Salles, @email
Please note:
- You may audition on whichever saxophone you play most proficiently.
- Applicants are encouraged to prepare and demonstrate repertoire from the Jazz Woodwind audition requirements.
Live Audition Requirements
Please prepare the following:
- Full range scales (from low Bb to high F or F#). These should include:
- Fewer than 4 accidentals: slurred and articulated
- 4 or more accidentals: slurred
- Chromatic scale: slurred and articulated
- Two etudes by Rossari, Ferling, Berbiguier, or equivalent, demonstrating both lyrical and technical playing.
- Bb instruments—10 minutes of classical repertoire, such as:
- Larry Teal's Solos for the Tenor Saxophone Player
- J.S. Bach—BWV 1010, recommended edition by A. Dahlke
- J.S. Bach—BWV 1013, any edition, can read C score as written
- Yusef Lateef—Romance for soprano saxophone and harp or piano
- Robert Schumann—Three Romances
- Florent Schmitt—Songe de Coppelius for tenor sax and piano
- Kincaid Rabb—The Automaton and the Aeronaut
- Heitor Villa-Lobos—Fantasia
- OR Eb instruments—10 minutes of classical repertoire, such as:
- Larry Teal's Solos for the Alto Saxophone Player
- J.S. Bach—BWV 1010, recommended edition by A. Dahlke
- J.S. Bach—BWV 1013, any edition, can read C score as written
- Eugene Bozza—Aria
- Lawson Lunde—Sonata
- Robert Schumann—Three Romances
- Paul Creston—Sonata
- Catherine McMichael—Fusion Suite
- Alexander Glazunov—Concerto
- We will also ask you to tune with a piano and electronic tuner, and demonstrate a few intervals (octave, fifth, third) in tune.
- Optional: Anything else you'd like to play that demonstrates the direction and range of your musicianship.
- Please be prepared to share the following with the faculty at the audition:
- The degree program you are auditioning for (e.g., BM in Performance)
- Why you want to study music and why you are interested in UMass.
- Anything else you'd like to share about yourself or your musical interests.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. After submitting the Music Application, please contact to set up a date and time.
Horn (French Horn)
Professor Joshua Michal, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- A fast and a slow movement chosen from works such as the Mozart horn concertos, the Haydn concertos, the Strauss Concerto Op. 11, the Beethoven Sonata, the Dukas Villanelle, and the Bernard Heiden Sonata.
- An etude such as those by Gallay, Kopprasch and Kling.
- Demonstration of major and chromatic scales throughout the practical range of the instrument. The faculty will select scales for the applicant to perform.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. Email Prof. Michal at @email to set up a date and time.
Professor Eric Berlin, @email
For Jazz Trumpet, also please see Jazz Brass below.
Please note that these requirements are for ALL trumpet applicants. Jazz Trumpet applicants will additionally need to submit materials found in the Jazz Brass section.
Audition Requirements
- Etude 1 from Vassily Brandt's 34 Etudes. (For clarification and purchase of the required material for this step, see:
- Two contrasting movements (in their entirety) from ONE of the following:
- Kent Kennan Sonata
- Paul Hindemith Sonata
- Flor Peeters Sonata
- Halsey Stevens Sonata
- Eric Ewazen Sonata
- Alexander Arutiunian Concerto (play beginning to letter L)
- Franz Joseph Haydn Concerto in Eb
- Johann Nepomuk Hummel Concerto in E or Eb
- Scales
- Major scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats. Two octaves up to high C.
- Two octave C Chromatic Scale (slurred in triplets, quarter note = 100)
Professor Greg Spiridopoulos, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- One legato etude from Bordogni's (Rochut) Melodius Etudes Vol. 1
- One technical etude from either: Blazhevich Clef Studies OR Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trombone
- 3–5 minutes of two contrasting movements from a standard solo work OR a single solo work with contrasting material. Examples include:
- Barat, Andante & Allegro—complete
- Guilmant, Morceau Symphonique—complete
- David, Concertino—movements 1 and 2
- Saint-Saens, Cavatine—complete
- Grondahl, Concerto—movements 1 and 2
- Be prepared to present all major scales in 2 octaves
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Please prepare a video and provide the link with the submission of the Music Application.
- The video should include all aspects of the live audition, with one exception: instead of presenting all major scales, applicants should demonstrate major scales (2 octaves) in E, Db, and two others of their own choice.
- YouTube is the recommended video platform, though any medium that smoothly provides both video and audio is permitted.
- Raw video files are not accepted.
- An interview/lesson via Zoom may be required after video submission as part of a remote audition. The trombone faculty will contact the applicant in this instance to discuss a date and time following submission and review of the video.
Professor John Bottomley, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Two contrasting movements or single work with contrasting material from standard repertoire. Examples:
- Barat—Andante & Allegro
- Galliard—Sonatas
- Ropartz—Andante & Allegro
- Guilmant—Morceau Symphonique
- One etude from:
- Bordogni (Rochut)—Melodius Etudes Vol. 1
- Scales
- All major scales in two octaves; scales are selected by the faculty during the audition.
- Two octave chromatic scale
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video of the Live Audition Requirements listed above, with the following exception:
- For the major scale demonstration, the applicant must select 2 sharp scales and 2 flat scales of their choice to demonstrate. One of the chosen scales must include at least 4 accidentals.
- Submit a link to your video with your Audition Request Form submission. YouTube is the recommended video platform, though any medium that smoothly provides both video and audio is permitted.
- Raw video files are not accepted.
Professor John Bottomley, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Two contrasting movements from the standard repertoire. Examples:
- Hindemith—Sonata
- B. Marcelo—Sonatas
- Haddad—Suite for Tuba
- Barat—Introduction and Dance
- One etude from either:
- Bordogni—43 Bel Canto Studies (Robert King)
- Blazhevich—70 Studies for Tuba (Robert King)
- Scales
- All major scales in two octaves; scales are selected by the faculty during the audition.
- Chromatic scale in two octaves starting on low Bb
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video of the Live Audition Requirements listed above, with the following exception:
- For the major scale demonstration, the applicant must select 2 sharp scales and 2 flat scales of their choice to demonstrate. One of the chosen scales must include at least 4 accidentals.
- Submit a link to your video with your Music Application submission. YouTube is the recommended video platform, though any medium that smoothly provides both video and audio is permitted.
- Raw video files are not accepted.
Professor Elizabeth Chang, @email
Pre-screening Requirement
All applicants auditioning on a classical stringed instrument must submit a pre-screening video with the Music Application (deadline: January 15). The video must be available via link to a YouTube video. Raw video files are not acceptable.
In the pre-screen video, applicants must present two contrasting pieces of their choice. For multi-movement works, a single movement will count as a piece for this purpose.
Applicants who pass pre-screening will be invited for a final audition. Applicants attending a Live Audition will be assigned a time on the audition date selected in the Music Application. Those who selected a Remote Audition will be contacted for a livestream audition via Zoom.
Live Audition Requirements
- A movement from a standard concerto or a short piece
- A contrasting work in another style
- An etude from Kreutzer, Dont, Fiorillo, Rode, Wieniawski, or Paganini
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare the Live Audition requirements above for performance for the faculty live via Zoom.
Professor Hyobi Sim, @email
Pre-screening Requirement
All applicants auditioning on a classical stringed instrument must submit a pre-screening video with the Music Application (deadline: January 15). The video must be available via link to a YouTube video. Raw video files are not acceptable.
In the pre-screen video, applicants must present two contrasting pieces of their choice. For multi-movement works, a single movement will count as a piece for this purpose.
Applicants who pass pre-screening will be invited for a final audition. Applicants attending a Live Audition will be assigned a time on the audition date selected in the Music Application. Those who selected a Remote Audition will be contacted for a livestream audition via Zoom.
Live Audition Requirements
Two (2) contrasting selections that best represent your level of performance; one selection to demonstrate tone quality and control, and the other to demonstrate left hand technical facility.
Major and melodic minor scales in three (3) octaves; choose one to demonstrate.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare the Live Audition requirements above for performance for the faculty live via Zoom.
Professor Edward Arron, @email
Pre-screening Requirement
All applicants auditioning on a classical stringed instrument must submit a pre-screening video with the Music Application (deadline: January 15). The video must be available via link to a YouTube video. Raw video files are not acceptable.
In the pre-screen video, applicants must present two contrasting pieces of their choice. For multi-movement works, a single movement will count as a piece for this purpose.
Applicants who pass pre-screening will be invited for a final audition. Applicants attending a Live Audition will be assigned a time on the audition date selected in the Music Application. Those who selected a Remote Audition will be contacted and instructed to submit additional materials.
Live Audition Requirements
- The first movement of a concerto or sonata OR an equivalent work that best represents your level of performance.
- One movement of a Bach Suite for Solo Cello
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video performance of all Live Audition Requirements and have it available to view via YouTube. Students may use the same pieces used for the pre-screening, or can prepare different repertoire to showcase versatility or improvement from the pre-screen submissions.
- Students should email the video(s) to Prof. Edward Arron at @email and CC Nate Gowen at @email.
- Following submission of the videos, the string faculty may contact the applicant for a follow-up interview via Zoom.
Double Bass
Professor Salvatore Macchia, @email
If applying for the Jazz Bass program (Fumi Tomita, jazz bass faculty), please see the Jazz Bass section below.
Pre-screening Requirement
All applicants auditioning on a classical stringed instrument must submit a pre-screening video with the Music Application (deadline: January 15). The video must be available via link to a YouTube video. Raw video files are not acceptable.
In the pre-screen video, applicants must present two contrasting pieces of their choice. For multi-movement works, a single movement will count as a piece for this purpose.
Applicants who pass pre-screening will be invited for a final audition. Applicants attending a Live Audition will be assigned a time on the audition date selected in the Music Application. Those who selected a Remote Audition will be contacted for a livestream audition via Zoom.
Live Audition Requirements
- A sonata such as those by Marcello, Telemann, Eccles or the first movement of the Dragonetti Concerto
- An etude from Simandl 30 Etudes, Storch-Hrabe 57 Etudes, or another etude of comparable difficulty
- Two- and three-octave major and minor scales
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Contact Prof. Salvatore Macchia (@email) to arrange an interview via Zoom after submitting a Music Application.
- For the interview, please be prepared to perform Live Audition Requirements noted above as well as to discuss your musical background and goals.
- Pending the result and direction of the interview, the student may be required to submit a video demonstrating all or part of the Live Audition Requirements. The link to the video must be sent to Prof. Macchia via the email provided above no later than Feb. 19, 2022.
Percussion, Piano and Voice
Professor Ayano Kataoka, @email
Live Audition Requirements
Please prepare solos/etudes for ALL of the instruments listed below:
- Snare Drum—solo or etude (i.e., Cirone, Delecluse) AND a rudimental solo (e.g., Wilcoxon, Pratt)
- Mallets—solo for two mallets (choose one of the following, or a piece of similar difficulty)
- J.S. Bach: Violin Concerto in A minor, a movement from the Cello Suites
- A ragtime solo by George Hamilton Green
- Goldenberg: choose one-page of etude(s) from 39 etudes in Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba and Vibraphone (page 62–93)
- Mallets—solo for four mallets to demonstrate your current skill level both technically and musically (e.g., Stout, Abe, Sammut, Musser, Bach, Peters)
- Timpani—solo or etude (e.g., Firth, Goodman, Carter, Carroll, Whaley)
The following technical exercises will be administered at the audition:
- Sight-reading on various percussion instruments
- Demonstrate any/all major and minor scales on mallet instruments
- Tuning on timpani (if applicable)
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. Email @email to set up a date and time.
Professor Gilles Vonsattel, @email
Note: Jazz Piano applicants are not required to perform a classical piano audition.
Pre-screening Requirement
All applicants auditioning on piano must submit a pre-screening video with the Music Application. The video must be available via link to a YouTube video. Raw video files are not acceptable.
In the pre-screen video, applicants must present the following:
- The first movement of a Classical sonata (e.g., music by Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, or others)
- A Romantic work (e.g., music by Chopin, Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, Mendelssohn, or others)
Applicants who pass pre-screening will be invited for a final audition. Applicants attending a Live Audition will be assigned a time on the audition date selected in the Music Application. Those who selected a Remote Audition will be contacted for a livestream audition via Zoom.
Live Audition Requirements
- A representative piece from the Baroque period such as an Invention by Bach.
- The first movement of a sonata such as those by Haydn, Mozart (excluding K. 202 and 545) or Beethoven (excluding Op. 49, Nos. 1 and 2, and Op. 79).
- A piece from the Romantic Era or modern literature.
- Major and minor scales played in four octaves, two hands.
- Major and minor arpeggios played in four octaves, two hands.
- A rudimentary sight reading test will be administered to each student.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. Email @email to set up a date and time.
Voice (Classical)
(For Jazz Voice, see Jazz Instruments/Voice below)
Professor William Hite, @email
Live Audition Requirements
Perform three (3) songs from memory, selected from the art song, Lieder, oratorio, or opera literature demonstrating more than one language.
An accompanist will be provided during the audition (not during the warm-up). Applicants only need to provide hard copies of their music for the accompanist; extra copies are not required or desired by the audition panel.
Aural Skills
Students will be asked to perform melodic and rhythmic sight reading as well as tonal memory exercises.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Students must first prepare a video submission via YouTube performing three (3) songs as outlined in the repertoire for the Live Audition Requirements. Students must submit a link to this video with the submission of their Music Application.
Video setup:
- The camera should be placed such that the singer is visible at least from the waist up.
- Please use a live accompanist if possible. If a live accompanist is not available, a pre-recorded accompaniment track for your pieces is permitted. Accompaniments for many of the standard audition pieces available free of charge on YouTube. You can also investigate accompaniment software such as
- Do not actively accompany yourself on the video (though you are welcome to record your own accompaniment track).
- Introduce yourself and the piece you will sing for each of your selections.
- Please do not edit your videos. We want this to be as close to a live audition as possible.
- Please treat this like a live audition, both in regards to personal attire and the presentation of yourself and your surroundings. In addition, while the faculty wants the sound and video quality to be a good as possible, it is not necessary to make the recording in a professional studio.
Aural Skills
Students who pass the repertoire portion of the Remote Audition will be invited to a Zoom interview with the Voice faculty for an aural skills test. Students will be notified individually and invited to coordinate the date and time for their interview.
For the tonal memory portion of the interview, the student will require the ability to hear audio examples and sing them back to the panel. The student will also be asked to view a sight singing example via shared screen, be given a starting pitch, and then sing the example. It is recommend that the student perform the aural skills interview on a computer rather than mobile device for better viewing.
Similar to the repertoire video, professional attire and presentation should be observed and the camera angle must show the student from the waist up.
Jazz Voice/Instruments
Jazz Voice
Mitch Chakour, Lecturer
Contact @email with questions.
Please note: Vocal Jazz Major/Minor auditions do not require preparation of any classical repertoire.
Live Audition Requirements
(Updated Oct. 24, 2024)
- Prepare three songs of contrasting styles from the genres of Jazz, Blues, Latin, R&B, Gospel, or Soul. Show range, expression, depth of vocal passion, understanding of the song, and originality.
It's preferred that applicants bring a lead sheet/chord chart in their key for accompaniment by the faculty. Applicants may also sing acapella, use play-along tracks, or accompany themselves on an instrument if it does not impede their vocal performance. - Sing call and response vocal lines and riffs as well as improvise and sing improvised harmonies with one of the auditioning faculty.
- During the audition, applicants will be expected to learn a short melody (taught by the vocal jazz faculty) and then sing 2 improvised harmonies - one above the melody and one below the melody.
- Applicants should be prepared to discuss and demonstrate vocal talents and musical abilities that they feel identifies them.
An accompanist on piano will be provided during the audition (but not during warm-up).
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Applicants will be expected to prepare the Live Audition requirements as above for a remote audition and will be contacted by Jazz Voice faculty after submitting a Music Application with details on the procedure.
Jazz Guitar
Professor Robert Ferrier, jazz guitar
For questions, contact: @email
Guitarists must bring their own patch cable and amplifier to the audition.
Play-along tracks are not permitted. Prospects will either play solo or be accompanied by either the piano or guitar faculty. Provide 1 copy of each lead sheet for the audition.
Live Audition Requirements
- Three stylistically different tunes from the standard Jazz repertoire. These should include a medium tempo jazz selection such as Out Of Nowhere, Just Friends, or Joy Spring, a blues such as Billie's Bounce or Straight No Chaser (not Blue Monk), and, a contrasting up tempo jazz, jazz waltz, Latin, or contemporary jazz piece (no ballads). Performance of the melody, comping and a minimum of two improvised choruses per tune will be required (4 improvised choruses for blues).
Non-jazz pieces may be prepared in addition to the above requirements. It’s recommended to email @email before the audition to confirm non-jazz repertoire.
- Students will be asked to demonstrate “comping” styles over blues, rhythm changes (like Oleo), and a more contemporary “vamp” sequence.
- Scales: all major and minor two octaves ascending and descending.
- ii V I's in all major and minor keys: comp and improvise in 2 and 4 measure increments.
- Sight Reading: single lines, rhythmic sequences and chord changes in jazz and related styles such as Latin and rock/funk.
- Instrument and/or voice pitch matching may also be administered.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information
After submitting a Music Application, please send an email to @email with your availability on Tuesdays and Thursdays to arrange a date and time for an audition via Zoom. You should prepare the materials outlined in the Live Audition Requirements to the best of your ability for the audition. Live accompaniment is encouraged but not required. Play-along tracks are not preferred.
Jazz Piano
Professor Jeff Holmes, jazz piano, JAAMS Director
For questions, contact: @email
Play-along tracks are not permitted. Prospects are expected to perform the repertoire on solo piano.
Live Audition Requirements
- Three stylistically different tunes from the standard Jazz repertoire. These should include a medium tempo jazz selection such as Out Of Nowhere, Just Friends, or Joy Spring, a blues such as Billie's Bounce or Straight No Chaser (not Blue Monk), and, a contrasting up tempo jazz, jazz waltz, Latin, or contemporary jazz piece (no ballads). Performance of the melody, comping and a minimum of two improvised choruses per tune will be required (4 improvised choruses for blues).
Non-jazz pieces may be prepared in addition to the above requirements. It’s recommended to email @email before the audition to confirm non-jazz repertoire.
- Students will be asked to demonstrate “comping” styles over blues, rhythm changes (like Oleo), and a more contemporary “vamp” sequence.
- Scales: all major and minor two octaves ascending and descending with both hands.
- ii V I's in all major and minor keys: comp and improvise in 2 and 4 measure increments.
- Sight Reading: single lines, rhythmic sequences and chord changes in jazz and related styles such as Latin and rock/funk.
- Instrument and/or voice pitch matching may also be administered.
- Applicants for the B.M. Music Education-Jazz Focus: Prepare two pieces of classical repertoire, such as music by (but not limited to): Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin, Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, and Mendelssohn.
The pieces will be demonstrated on the same day but at a separate time from the jazz repertoire outlined above.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
- Prepare a video demonstrating the Live Audition Requirements to the best of your ability with the following notes/exceptions:
- For the "comping over various styles" requirement, students may demonstrate comping over one chorus of a 32-bar tune or three choruses of a blues. Either is in addition to a contemporary "vamp" sequence (e.g. over a iii-VI-ii-V pattern).
- Demonstration of ii-V-I patterns is encouraged but not required. Students have the choice of key signatures for a demonstration if included.
- Live accompaniment is highly encouraged. A drum/bass play-along track is permitted but not required for any portion of the video.
- Please upload the video to YouTube and have it available to view via shareable link.
- A link to the video must be submitted with the Music Application. Raw video files are not accepted.
Jazz Bass
Professor Fumi Tomita, @email
NOTE: Applicants may audition on acoustic or electric bass. However, Bachelors of Music (BM) applicants are required to audition on acoustic (upright) bass.
Live Audition Requirements
Prepare and present three jazz pieces in which the applicant must play the melody, one/two choruses of accompaniment, and one/two choruses of improvisation. The parameters for each piece are outlined as follows:
- A jazz blues in F major or Bb major (e.g. Now's the Time; Straight, No Chaser, etc.).
- A swing-based tune from standard jazz repertoire of the student's choice that is not a blues (e.g. Summertime, Autumn Leaves, Doxy, etc.).
- A tune with a straight-eighth note feel.
Students are discouraged from using playalongs. A small rhythm section consisting of at least a chordal instrument will be provided for the audition. A bass amp will also be provided. Applicants should bring at least two extra copies of each repertoire piece.
Be prepared to demonstrate one-octave scales in major, harmonic minor, melodic minor, all modes, triads, and seventh chords for the keys of D, G, C, F, and Bb.
Applicants will be expected to read through a standard lead sheet: playing the melody (in bass clef), walking a bass line and improvising a solo from the chord chart.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
After submitting a Music Application, students must email Nathaniel Gowen at @email to arrange a livestream audition date and time via Zoom with the faculty.
Applicants should prepare the Live Audition Requirements as listed above to the best of their ability for the remote audition. Sightreading will be included. Applicants are expected to provide live accompaniment for themselves, consisting of at least a pianist or guitar player and optionally a drummer. Play-along tracks are not permitted. The audition is expected to take 30 minutes.
Professor Thomas Giampietro, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Students will demonstrate the following styles: swing (moderate, moderate trading 4's between time and solo; and up-tempo), Latin (bossa and samba), Jazz waltz, funk, moderate rock, brushes (medium tempo swing and ballad), 12/8 Afro-Cuban and songo and an odd meter (5/4 or 7/4-swing)
- Performance of a jazz or straight-8th tune selected from the standard jazz repertoire. An accompanist (piano or guitar, with or without bass) will be provided. The student will also be required to improvise a solo over the form of their chosen tune. Bring 4 copies of the lead sheet for this tune. Note: this should NOT be a big band chart!
- Students will also play a prepared drum set solo of their choice – please bring 4 copies of the piece. The prepared solo should be either a solo composed by the student or a transcription of a recorded jazz solo.
- Students will be required to sight read a big-band chart, a rhythm sheet and/or a lead sheet. Voice pitch matching may also be administered.
Please note: A drum-set will be provided for the audition. However, students must bring their own cymbals (including high hats), snare drum, bass drum pedal and sticks/brushes/mallets. A drum set will not be provided for warm-up; students are welcome to bring their own practice pad to prepare during the allotted warm-up time if desired.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
After submitting a Music Application, the student must contact Prof. Giampietro (@email) to arrange a date and time for a livestream audition via Zoom. The audition is expected to take 30 minutes to complete and the student must provide their own accompaniment for the audition, whether live musicians or a play-along track.
Students must prepare and present the following for the Zoom audition, in order:
- 3 to 4 choruses of playing behind a soloist a medium tempo swing in a blues form (no "head" required) with a live trio or recorded accompaniment.
- Blue Bossa as a bossa with the same trio or recorded accompaniment. The trio plays the melody, followed by 2-3 choruses of comping in that style behind a soloist.
- Someday My Prince Will Come as 3/4 swing with same trio. Trio plays melody, followed by 3-4 choruses comping in that style behind soloist.
- Take the A Train, medium swing using BRUSHES with the same trio/recorded accompaniment. Trio plays melody, and then 2-3 choruses comping in swing brush style behind soloist.
- In A Sentimental Mood as a ballad with brushes with trio/recorded accompaniment one time through the head only.
- Cherokee as an uptempo swing (back to sticks) with trio/recorded accompaniment. Trio plays melody, and then 2-3 choruses comping in that style behind soloist.
- The drummer will then be asked to demonstrate some or all of the following styles without accompaniment:
- Samba, 30-45 seconds
- 6/8 afro-cuban groove, 30-45 seconds
- Songo, 30-45 seconds
- Student's favorite Funk/R&B groove, 30-45 seconds
- Student's favorite ROCK groove, 30-45 seconds
- Trading fours in swing time without accompaniment.
- Following the style demonstrations, the student and accompanying trio/recording perform a chosen standard as outlined in part 2 of the Live Audition Requirements.
- The drummer performs a prepared solo as outlined in part 3 of the Live Audition Requirements. The drummer should email a PDF of the solo to Prof. Giampietro prior to the start of the audition.
Jazz Woodwinds (e.g. saxophone, flute, clarinet)
Professor Felipe Salles, @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Three stylistically different tunes from the standard Jazz repertoire. These should include a medium tempo jazz selection such as Out Of Nowhere, Just Friends, or Joy Spring, a blues such as Billie's Bounce or Straight No Chaser (not Blue Monk), and, a contrasting up tempo jazz, jazz waltz, Latin, or contemporary jazz piece (no ballads). Performance of the melody and a minimum of two improvised choruses per tune will be required (4 improvised choruses for blues). Non-jazz pieces may be prepared in addition to the above requirements (bring lead sheets as applicable).
Jazz repertoire will be performed with play-along tracks. The tracks can be provided by the auditionee or by the faculty. - Students will be asked to demonstrate:
- Scales: all major and minor two octaves ascending and descending.
- Sight Reading in jazz and related styles.
- Instrument and/or voice pitch matching and interval/chord identification may also be administered.
- Two contrasting etudes by Rossari, Ferling or equivalent - one fast and one slow.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Please prepare the pieces outlined in the Live Audition Requirements for an audition held live via Zoom. After submitting the Music Application, please contact to set up a date and time.
Jazz Brass
Professor Jeffrey Holmes, jazz brass, JAAMS program director
Professor Haneef Nelson, jazz brass
For questions, contact: @email
Live Audition Requirements
- Be prepared to demonstrate all aspects of the classical Trumpet or Trombone audition requirements listed above under Brass.
- Demonstrate three stylistically different tunes from the standard Jazz repertoire. These should include a medium tempo jazz selection such as Out Of Nowhere, Just Friends, or Joy Spring, a blues such as Billie's Bounce or Straight No Chaser (not Blue Monk), and, a contrasting up tempo jazz, jazz waltz, Latin, or contemporary jazz piece (no ballads). Performance of the melody and a minimum of two improvised choruses per tune will be required (4 improvised choruses for blues). Bring four copies of each lead sheet.
Non-jazz pieces may be prepared in addition to the above requirements (bring lead sheets as applicable). - Applicants should be prepared to demonstrate the following:
- Rhythm changes (like Oleo) and a more contemporary "vamp" sequence
- Scales: be prepared to play any major and minor scale, two octaves ascending and descending.
- ii V I's in all major and minor keys: improvise inn 2 and 4 measure increments.
- Sight Reading: single lines, rhythmic sequences and chord changes in jazz and related styles such as Latin and rock/funk.
- Instrument and/or voice pitch matching and interval/chord identification may also be administered.
An accompanist (piano or guitar, with or without bass) will be provided.
Remote Audition Requirements
All Remote Auditions require faculty approval. Please see the Remote Music Audition Policy above for further information.
Jazz Brass applicants submitting a remote audition must complete classical and jazz components to the audition.
Classical: Submit a video with the Music Application as outlined in the Remote Audition requirements for Trumpet/Trombone (above).
Jazz: Students may either have a jazz audition via Zoom (recommended) or submit a video recording to satisfy the remote audition.
Option 1: Requirements for Livestream via Zoom (recommended)
After submitting the Music Application, the student should contact Nathaniel Gowen at @email to set up a date and time for the Zoom audition.
- 1. Prepare and perform the three stylistically different tunes as outlined in the Live Audition Requirements. The student should have a play-along track audibly playing in the background when performing.
- 2. Two contrasting etudes as outlined in the Live Audition Requirements.
- 3. Students should also expect the following:
- Prepare all major and minor scales in two octaves ascending and descending; the faculty will request demonstration of certain scales during the audition.
- Sight reading will be provided electronically to perform during the audition.
- Instrument and/or voice interval identification and pitch matching may also be administered.
Option 2: Requirements for Video Recording
Students should prepare the following in a video recorded performance and have it available to view via a weblink (e.g. YouTube). The link to the video must be included with the submission of the Music Application. Raw video files are not permitted.
Please note: It is preferred that a student submit the trumpet/trombone video requirement and the jazz requirement outlined here as two separate video links. When pasting the links in the Music Application, please separate them by a comma and a space.
For the jazz video, prepare and perform the three stylistically different tunes as outlined in the Live Audition Requirements. The student should have a play-along track audibly playing in the background when performing.
Any further J.A.A.M.S. instrumental audition questions, contact Professor Holmes, Director of Jazz and African-American Music Studies: @email.