Watch the Dance Program in action!

In both BFA and BA offerings, UMass dance students are thinking critically, engaged in the community, and fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit. These sentiments are supported and enhanced in the Five College Dance Department, where students quadruple their course choices, performance opportunities, and abilities to network during matriculation and beyond (with no additional costs).

Watch the Dance Program video to learn more!

UMass dancer

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree offers a liberal arts education and allows students to combine studies in dance with other fields of interest. Students are required to take eight courses in technique, and fourteen courses in dance theory. A Senior Project is required. Courses may be selected from the technique idioms of ballet, modern dance, and jazz. Academic courses include dance history, composition, rhythmic analysis, scientific foundations of dance, and dance production.

UMass dancers

Bachelor of Fine Arts

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree requires intensive study in dance techniques and theory. Students are required to take sixteen courses in technique and fourteen courses in dance theory. A Senior Project is required. Courses may be selected from the technique idioms of ballet, modern dance, and jazz. Academic courses include dance history, composition, rhythmic analysis, scientific foundations of dance, and dance production.

Upcoming Events

More Dance Events
Feb 14 7:30 pm - Feb 15 7:30 pm ET (Multiday)
Faculty Dance Concert: Moonlight CANCELLED SAT. 2/15
Feb 27 7:30 pm - Mar 01 7:30 pm ET (Multiday)
Senior Thesis Dance Projects