
Program of study

For students pursuing a bachelor's degree, the linguistics department offers several options for majoring and minoring in linguistics, as well as innovative general education courses. A Linguistics major can focus purely on linguistics, or combine linguistics with another field or language. There are several interdisciplinary majors in which the study of linguistics forms a significant part of the curriculum. It is also possible to major in linguistics alone or to minor in linguistics. If you would like to declare a major or minor in linguistics, please see instructions at the top of the major requirements page. If you have questions about a linguistics major or general questions about the undergraduate program, please e-mail the Undergraduate Program Director at this e-mail address . If you have questions about minoring in linguistics, please contact our  Minors Advisor.

Learning objectives

Our undergraduate program has 6 broad learning objectives. These objectives aim to develop knowledge and skills that are applicable not only in linguistics, but in a wide range of intellectual contexts and professions.

Learning Objective 1:  Ability to reason analytically about language

Learning Objective 2: Basic quantitative and computational competence in language research

Learning Objective 3: An understanding of linguistic theories and their relationship to language diversity

Learning Objective 4: An understanding of linguistic discrimination

Learning Objective 5: Ability to communicate about language

Learning Objective 6: Ability to work as an effective member of a team


Undergraduate Certificates

The linguistics department offers three undergraduate certificates (see the certificates page for more details): 

  • Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Certificate in American English Linguistics
  • Certificate in Linguistics and Data Science