Department Contacts

Graduate Linguistics Student Association



Mailing Address

Department of Linguistics
N408 Integrative Learning Center
University of Massachusetts
650 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-1100

phone: (413) 545-0885
fax: (413) 545-2792

Chair of Department

Joe Pater
(413) 577-1308

Office Manager and Assistant to the Chair

General questions about financial matters and course schedules for upcoming semesters go to Narda Wakoluk.
Narda Wakoluk
(413) 545-0889

Departmental Secretary and Graduate Program Secretary

General questions about enrollment, declaring a Linguistics major, and graduate admission materials go to Michelle McBride.
Michelle McBride
(413) 545-0885

Graduate Admission Director

Questions about *graduate* admissions not covered here or on the Graduate School website go to Kyle Johnson.
Kyle Johnson
(413) 545-6840

Graduate Program Director

Questions about graduate program requirements and policies not covered in the Graduate Handbook go to Gaja Jarosz
Gaja Jarosz
(413) 545-9930

Undergraduate Advisors

Brian Dillon
(413) 577-4198

Magda OIry
(413) 545-6826

Ellen Woolford
(413) 545-6841

Kristine Yu
(413) 545-6830

Mailing Lists


List Name List Description
ling-acquisition Faculty, students and visitors interested in language acquisition.
ling-colloq People interested in department events (includes ling-dept).
ling-dept Includes ling-grad (current grad students), ling-ugrad (ling majors), ling-fac (current and retired faculty), ling-adjunct (adjunct and allied faculty), ling-visitor. New students, visitors, and faculty are automatically added to this list. To change your email address, contact Narda Wakoluk.
ling-fieldwork Faculty, students and visitors interested in fieldwork.
ling-grad Current graduate students.
ling-phonology Faculty, students and visitors interested in phonology.
ling-prosody Faculty, students and visitors interested in prosody.
ling-psych Faculty, students and visitors interested in psycholinguistics.
ling-semantics Faculty, students and visitors interested in semantics.
ling-syntax Faculty, students and visitors interested in syntax.
ling-ugrad Linguistics majors and minors (undergraduates).
ling-visitor Current visiting scholars.

To subscribe to one of these lists, click on its name above, and you will send an email request. When you get a confirmation e-mail, reply to it (don’t use the link). . For help with these lists, please contact Narda Wakoluk.