Certificate in Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice
Develop a strong understanding of the social, economic, legal, and political conditions influencing reproduction.
The reproductive health, rights and justice (RHRJ) certificate provides undergraduate students at the Five Colleges with an opportunity to develop a strong understanding of the social, economic, legal, and political conditions that influence reproduction in the United States and transnationally.
Scholarship on RHRJ issues examines the impact of reproductive policies not only on individuals, but also on communities, with particular attention to communities that have been historically marginalized. The field also includes study of the history of social movements for reproductive empowerment, including the movements for women’s liberation, disability rights, racial justice, economic justice, LGBTQ rights, and the women’s health, reproductive freedom, and reproductive justice movements.
Students also learn to think critically about social institutions, such as science, medicine, technology, schools, housing, law enforcement, labor, and prisons, that produce racial and class differentiation in childhood and beyond.