Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art
Pursue your love of art while also exploring your other intellectual passions.
The BA in studio art is ideal for students who have a deep interest in art, but who also want a broad liberal arts education to hone their thinking and analytical skills as they simultaneously stretch their creative muscles. It works well for students who want to combine art with another major or minor.
During the first year, you’ll take courses in the art foundations program, which provides an introduction to the materials, techniques, language, and concepts of art. This interdisciplinary approach balances formal concepts, hands-on skills, imagination, and critical thinking, and gives you the flexibility to develop your work while exploring the range of contemporary media.
After completing the foundations program and art history courses, you will not choose a particular media, but instead will go on to take intermediate and advanced courses of your choice in animation, ceramics, intermedia (photography and video production), painting, printmaking, and sculpture. You can also take design and creative technologies courses if you are interested in those areas. Finally, you’ll take General Education courses and you will be required to fulfill the foreign language requirement.