Dean’s Office

Located in South College, the central hub of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, the Dean's Office provides educational leadership for the College's teaching and research missions, promotes the academic excellence and welfare of the College's faculty and students, provides administrative and outreach support, and directs strategic planning processes and allocation of the budget. The Dean of the College works closely with the HFA Leadership Team on policy, planning, and budget issues.
What does the Dean's Office do?

The HFA Advising and Career Center is a vital resource for students in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.

HFA Career Services can help students determine their career objectives and find and apply for professional opportunities.
The HFA Marketing and Communications team can help you with your needs for web, social media, email, and more.
Information Technology Services offers personalized support within HFA.
HFA’s Personnel and Finance provides central support across all departments and programs within the college.