BMB Peer Advisors are upperclassmen majoring in Biochemistry who are able to answer and resolve general advising questions. They work particularly with students new to UMass and to the major.
The BMB Academic Advising Team oversees your progression through the BMB major. They are available to provide guidance on course selection and can help you resolve any academic issues that you may encounter.
BMB faculty are available to answer questions about graduate school, careers, and how to make the most of your BMB degree.
All students new to UMass are assigned a First-Year Advisor to provide support throughout their first year.
Contact the College of Natural Science (CNS) advising office for help with general academic policies and procedures such as late adds, course and semester withdrawals, and course repeat options.
The CNS Career & Professional Development Center is available to help you find internships, co-ops, and research opportunities while developing strategies to increase your visible value to employers.
Meet with a BMB Writing Fellow
BMB Writing Fellows are available to help our majors with a variety of writing projects, from class assignments to applications for grad school, scholarships, and grants. You can contact them for help at any stage of the writing process! Email Oscar Garcia or Chi Nguyen to schedule an in-person meeting or to get access to their respective Zoom links.
Forms for Undergraduates
Additional forms are available from the Registrar’s Office Forms page, including the Senior Year in Absentia and Prior Approval for Transfer Work forms.