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Academic Regulations is an annual publication of the Office of the Provost. All undergraduate students are responsible for complying with the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures contained in this publication as well as those in other official University publications and announcements which may be issued from time to time. Students are also expected to familiarize themselves with other important documentation including, but not limited to, the Guide to Undergraduate Programs. The University reserves the right to change policies and regulation whenever such action is deemed appropriate or necessary. This publication is compiled by the Office of the University Registrar and published on the Registrar’s website at It is issued annually at or near the beginning of the fall semester

Academic Regulations

Just as any society needs laws to govern the relationships among its citizens, a university, too, needs regulations to define the relationships among its citizens, in this case students and faculty. Accordingly, academic regulations should both stipulate the faculty's requirements for a degree and provide students with guidelines for achieving their personal academic goals; they should provide a means for students to evaluate their own progress and for faculty to evaluate the relative performance of various students; and should identify as soon as possible students whose performance suggests either that the probability of their achieving a degree is slight or that they are eligible for special privileges and honors.  


Moreover, a university faces a responsibility not only to its own citizens but to the larger society as well, and thus its academic regulations must satisfy both internal and external needs. Thus, academic regulations should provide assurances both for students currently enrolled and those who seek admission that as many spaces as possible will be available within the University and within individual courses; and should not only clarify procedures and guarantee rights for students, but should also provide assurances to accrediting agencies, professional bodies, and society in general that standards are being maintained. 


The following academic regulations represent the official position of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and apply to all undergraduates. It is incumbent upon students and faculty to familiarize themselves with these regulations and adhere to them, keeping in mind that students are held responsible for satisfying the regulations established by their major department and by their college as well as by the University. 


Students have a right to pursue clarifications, interpretations, and appeals to these regulations, especially when they feel that extenuating circumstances warrant an exception to any of the rules that follow. The procedure for exercising this right begins with the student's Undergraduate Dean, who is the administrator in the dean's office in each school or college who holds the authority delegated from the faculty for either making or recommending exceptions to these academic regulations. Students should also consult the Undergraduate Academic Grievance Procedure available in this document. 


A note on the University transcript: A student's transcript represents the official record of his or her course registration and completion and academic status within the policies outlined below. Any request by a student to alter his or her official record in any way (except as provided for by approved policies) must be presented to the student's undergraduate dean. The undergraduate dean will either act under the authority of the Faculty Senate Committee on Admissions and Records, or forward the request to said Committee. If a dean acting under authority of the Committee on Admissions and Records denies the request, the dean's decision may be appealed to the Committee on Admissions and Records, which represents the final course of appeal on such matters. All appeals should be made in a timely manner by the student, and should be commenced prior to graduation. After the start of the semester following a student's graduation, the student's academic record cannot be altered, except for instances of documented institutional error.  

Enrollment Regulations for University + Courses

There are three categories of credit-bearing courses offered on the Amherst campus of the University: 


A. Regular University Course Offerings. 

During the fall and spring semesters, the Registrar's Office schedules the regular course offerings of academic departments and programs. These are published through the online student information system, SPIRE, by the Registrar’s Office. In these regulations, these courses are referred to as "regular University course offerings." Matriculated students are expected to enroll in these courses through the Registrar's standard procedures, and to pay regular University tuition and fees appropriate to the enrollment status.  


B. University+ Course Offerings. 

During the fall and spring semesters, in addition to regular University course offerings, academic departments and programs may also offer courses in the University+ session. Students who enroll in these courses pay course and registration fees according to the University+ tuition model, in addition to any tuition and fees paid as a result of enrollment in regular University course offerings.  


C. Winter and Summer Sessions Course Offerings. 

During the January winter session and the summer sessions, academic departments and programs offer courses in the University+ session.   


Students who have been admitted to a degree program at the University are normally expected to complete their course requirements through enrollment in regular course offerings and courses offered during summer and winter session. Such students are not normally permitted to enroll solely in courses offered in the University+ session. Exceptions to these general restrictions are detailed below. Requests for exceptions other than those detailed below require a petition to the University Registrar. 

Academic Grievance Procedures

Course Management Guidelines for Instructors

Student Absence Guidelines for Instructors

The Office of the Provost and the Dean of Students Office regularly receive inquiries concerning University policy on student absence from classes. The campus’s policy on attendance can be found in the Academic Regulations section of this publication; it applies to classes and examinations. 


Below is a summary of the policies governing excused absences, and recommendations for some simple procedures that faculty can use to verify the reason for a student’s absence. Department heads/chairs and faculty should pass this information on to all graduate teaching assistants. 

Excuses of Absence for Health Reasons

Excuses of Absence for Health Reasons


It is the policy of the University that students explain absences directly to their instructors without automatic intervention of a third party. Should it become necessary for the instructor to request verification of a health condition, it must be sought through the student as intermediary.  It is important that any communication with instructors, administrators, or other members of the University community conform strictly with the standards concerning confidentiality. 

Tuition Classification

These rules and regulations, passed by the University's Board of Trustees, 2/1/95, revised 12/6/95, and current as of publication, apply to the classification of students at the University of Massachusetts as Massachusetts or non-Massachusetts students for tuition and fee purposes.  

Miscellaneous Regulations

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

Dispute Resolution

In addition to the Code of Student Conduct detailed in a separate publication of the Office of Student Affairs, undergraduates, as well as staff and faculty, have recourse to a number of processes and administrative agencies when attempting to resolve grievances. Several such options are noted below. For general information about other resources contact the Dean of Students Office (545-2684). For academic issues or problems, contact the office of your academic dean. 

Academic Referrals

(Sources of academic advice, assistance or redress)

Below are indicated the appropriate referrals for students who seek academic advice, assistance or redress. Normally, most issues or concerns can be resolved at the level of faculty or academic advisor or undergraduate dean (or a person of similar title). This list is indicated to facilitate resolution of academic difficulties.  


In most cases, students in a declared major are urged to consult first with their faculty or academic advisor. If that individual is unable to assist, the student may seek assistance from the following offices. Referrals beyond the last listed person in a sequence will be made to the board or person appropriate for the type of problem. Decisions made by the undergraduate deans concerning a student's academic status or record may be appealed to the Faculty Senate Committee on Admissions and Records, but such appeals must be routed through students' undergraduate dean.