If You Were Just Assaulted
Resources for victims of violence and abuse
No one deserves to be abused or assaulted. Combating physical and sexual violence is a priority at the UMass Police Department. We believe in the right of all persons to live without fear, abuse, oppression and violence. We believe that abusers and perpetrators should be held accountable for their actions and we strive to promote deterrence, assist victims and interrupt the cycle of violence.
- Victim Witness Assistance
- CWC Rape Crisis Services
- Llámanos
- N.E.L.C.W.I.T
- Victim Rights Law Center
- RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline
Victim Witness Assistance
The Victim Witness Assistance Unit is provided through the local District Attorney's office for Hampshire and Franklin Counties. If you are a victim in a case that goes to criminal court, you will be assigned a Victim/Witness Advocate who works for the District Attorney's office and will assist you during the criminal court process. The Victim/Witness Assistance Unit provides advocacy and information about the court process to victims and witnesses of crime, as well as information about victim rights and referrals to community resources.
District Attorney's Office Victim/Witness Unit (Northampton): (413) 586-5780
It’s never too late to call and get support. You can call a rape crisis line about a sexual assault or uncomfortable sexual situation that happened recently or a long time ago.
The Center for Women & Community rape crisis services provides free and confidential crisis services for survivors of all genders in the Hampshire County and Five College Community. Friends and family members are also welcome to call. Counselor/Advocates are available 24 hours a day to provide support, information, crisis intervention, and medical and legal advocacy. The program also provides free short-term, in-person counseling, support groups and specialized teen services. Located in Amherst.
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (413) 545-0800
- TTY hotline number: (413) 577-0940
- MA Relay 711
Es una línea de ayuda estatal en español, para casos de abuso sexual y proporciona intervención telefónicas, conserjería, y referidos en casos de crisis, es principalmente para la comunidad hispana en Massachusetts.
Linea de ayuda: 1-800-223-5001. lunes - viernes, 11am - 5pm.
Llámanos y hablemos is a statewide Spanish Language Sexual Abuse Helpline that provides telephone crisis intervention, counseling and referrals, primarily to Spanish speaking communities.
Hotline: 1-800-223-5001. M-F, 11am - 5pm
New England Learning Center for Women in Transition
NELCWIT provides domestic violence and rape crisis services for Franklin County, including counseling, advocacy and referrals. Located in Greenfield.
24-hour Crisis Hotline: (413) 772-0806
NELCWIT also offers a Native American Sexual Violence Prevention and Survivors Service. Call 413-772-0871 for more information.
Victim Rights Law Center provides free legal services for victims of sexual assault in Massachusetts in the areas of their lives that the assault has impacted, including their privacy, education, safety, employment, housing, immigration, financial stability, and criminal justice system advocacy. Victims do NOT have to report to the police to receive these services. All conversations with VRLC staff are confidential. Located in Boston (with assistance available in Western MA). For an intake, call (617) 399-6720 x19
RAINN (Rape Abuse & Incest National Network) National Sexual Assault Hotline
RAINN is a nationwide partnership of more than 1,100 local rape treatment hotlines that provides victims of sexual assault with free, confidential services around the clock. You will be routed to the closest hotline, based on the number you call from.
24-hour crisis line: 1-800-656-HOPE
RAINN National Sexual Assault Online Hotline provides live, secure, anonymous crisis support for victims of sexual assault, their friends, and families over RAINN's website. Free, available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and uses an interface similar to instant messaging. Click on 'online hotline' at the top of the webpage.
Support Resources
Learn about your reporting options and how to get confidential support on the University's Equal Opportunity and Access Office page.