The UMass Amherst Police Departments objective with use of force is to maintain and/or reestablish control over a situation. The degree of force used is dependent upon the amount of resistance or threat to the safety of the public or the police officer. Control is reached when a person complies with the officer’s demands or the person is restrained or apprehended. The officer must be prepared to utilize the force options that are reasonable for the lawful objectives and must be aware of the possibility of force de-escalation when appropriate.
A law enforcement officer may not use a chokehold or other action that involves the placement of any part of a law enforcement officer’s body on or around a person’s neck in a manner that limits the person’s breathing or blood flow.
UMass Amherst Police Officers shall have an affirmative duty to intervene should they observe a situation in which they perceive more than the necessary use of force, including deadly force, beyond that which is necessary or objectively reasonable based on the totality of the circumstances.
Any harassment, intimidation, or retaliation against any officer who either intervened to prevent or stop an excessive force incident, or made a report regarding the witnessed excessive force incident, shall be a violation of the department’s Use of Force policy and shall, upon a sustained internal administrative investigation, be subjected to the imposition of departmental discipline up to and including termination.
Taken into Custody, Use of Force by Type
Use Of Force by Type 2021 |
Type of Force |
Total |
No Force Needed |
74 |
Firearm Discharge |
0 |
Firearm Display |
0 |
Baton |
0 |
K-9 |
0 |
Chemical/OC |
1 |
Weaponless |
5 |
Totals |
80 |
* Chart Inlcudes P.C.
Custodial Arrests by Race/Sex 2021
Custodial Arrest by Race/Sex 2021 |
Race |
Arrests |
White Male |
19 |
White female |
5 |
Black Male |
4 |
Black Female |
0 |
Hispanic Male |
1 |
Hispanic Female |
0 |
Other Male |
1 |
Other female |
0 |
Total |
30 |
Summons Arrests by Race/Sex 2021
Summons Arrest by Race/Sex 2021 |
Race |
Arrests |
White Male |
105 |
White Female |
46 |
Black Male |
9 |
Black Female |
1 |
Hispanic Male |
14 |
Hispanic Female |
5 |
Other Male |
13 |
Other Female |
3 |
Total |
196 |
Protective Custody by Race 2021
Protective Custody by Race/Sex 2021 |
Race |
Total Custodies |
White Male |
23 |
White female |
14 |
Black Male |
1 |
Black Female |
2 |
Hispanic Male |
2 |
Hispanic Female |
0 |
Other Male |
3 |
Other female |
1 |
Total |
46 |