Location and Directions
The UMPD is located at 585 East Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01003-9600 on the UMass Amherst campus.
Find our location on Google Maps.
413-545-2121 - Non-emergency
413-545-3111 - Emergency (or 911)*
*If you call 911 from your cell phone while on-campus, you reach the Mass State Police who will transfer you to UMPD. Say "UMass Amherst" if you call 911 from your cell while you are on-campus.
413-577-0384 - TTY
If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, and have access to Text Telephone (TTY) equipment, you can contact UMPD at the TTY number listed above. You may also utilize the telecommunications relay service offered by Mass Relay; for more information please visit http://www.mass.gov/eopss/agencies/massrelay/
413-545-3113 - FAX
EMAIL: @email
Phone Contacts
Important Phone Numbers
Name |
Number |
Chief of Police - Tyrone Parham | (413) 545-2125 |
Deputy Chief, Administration - Ian P. Cyr | (413) 545-2125 |
Deputy Chief, Operations - Damian V. DeWolf | (413) 545-2125 |
Non-Emergency Dispatch | (413) 545-2121 |
Administration | (413) 545-2134 |
TIPS Line | (413) 577-TIPS |
Car Seat Installation | (413) 545-2121 |
Citizens Police Academy | (413) 545-2440 |
Community Outreach Unit | (413) 545-0196 |
Crime Prevention Assessment - Lt. Mike Malouin | (413) 545-3578 |
Detective Bureau | (413) 545-0893 |
Honor Guard | (413) 545-9425 |
Lost and Found | (413) 545-2241 |
Officer Detail Request - Lt. Mike Malouin | (413) 545-3578 |
Self-Defense Awareness Officer | (413) 545-3888 |
Records Request | (413) 545-3952 |
Safety Escort Program | (413) 545-2123 |
Safety Presentations | (413) 545-9461 |