Phone Contacts

Important Phone Numbers



Chief of Police - Tyrone Parham (413) 545-2125
Deputy Chief, Administration - Ian P. Cyr (413) 545-2125
Deputy Chief, Operations - Damian V. DeWolf  (413) 545-2125
Non-Emergency Dispatch (413) 545-2121
Administration (413) 545-2134
TIPS Line (413) 577-TIPS
Car Seat Installation (413) 545-2121
Citizens Police Academy (413) 545-2440
Community Outreach Unit (413) 545-0196
Crime Prevention Assessment - Lt. Mike Malouin (413) 545-3578
Detective Bureau (413) 545-0893
Honor Guard (413) 545-9425
Lost and Found (413) 545-2241
Officer Detail Request - Lt. Mike Malouin (413) 545-3578
Self-Defense Awareness Officer (413) 545-3888
Records Request (413) 545-3952
Safety Escort Program (413) 545-2123
Safety Presentations (413) 545-9461

Staff Directory