Reporting Options and Confidential Support

While we encourage you to report incidents or concerns directly to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, or the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access which are non-confidential reporting options, there are a number of confidential resources who will not share information with the Title IX Coordinator/EOA Office. Here you will find a list of both confidential and non-confidential offices.

Reporting Options

The University's Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and Equal Opportunity and Access are designated as non-confidential but will respectfully keep shared information private except for a need-to-know basis. The UMPD is a confidential reporting agency only for incidents of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking per state law.

Please Note: If you choose to tell a UMass employee, it is important to know that the information shared may not be kept confidential.  This is because all UMass employees are considered "Responsible Employees" by law and University policy, which means they cannot keep Title IX information confidential and are required to report incidents to the Title IX Coordinator unless they are designated considered confidential exceptions as defined by law and University policy. 

Confidential Support Options

These offices and organizations offer confidential support and are not required to report information to Title IX staff.

Confidential Community Resources

These are confidential resources in the greater community that offer support and guidance.