Reporting Forms and Resources
The University Police Department partners with community members to address issues of safety and security on campus. It is important that there are multiple avenues for community members to share information with the department.
The following procedure is taken from the Chief of Police's Annual Security Report.
Community members, students, faculty, staff, and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to the University of Massachusetts Amherst Police Department in a timely manner.
To report a crime or an emergency from an on-campus phone, call UMPD at extension 5-2121 or, from outside the University phone system, at (413) 545-2121. When using a cell phone, please remember that 911 will reach the State Police who then must transfer the call to UMPD. UMPD recommends pre-programming cell phones with the UMPD dispatch number (413-545-2121). Dispatchers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer your call. UMPD officers respond to all requests for service and are the investigating authority for all crimes on campus. In addition to investigating crime reports, UMPD will, when deemed necessary, refer reports to the appropriate office (ex. Dean of Students Office, Title IX Office) or jurisdiction for review or judicial action.
As an added security measure, over 115 emergency "HELP" phones are located at strategic points on campus. These phones are easily identified by their yellow boxes topped with blue lights. When the red emergency button is pushed, the caller is in immediate contact with the UMPD. In addition to providing voice contact with a police dispatcher, HELP phone use also enables a dispatcher to pinpoint the caller's location.
When calling for either emergency or non-emergency service, be prepared to:
- Clearly identify yourself;
- State your location;
- State briefly the nature of your call.
If possible, stay on the line unless otherwise advised by the dispatcher. If assistance is required from off campus, the dispatcher will summon the appropriate police, fire and/or medical service.
rimes should be reported to UMPD for the purpose of assessing the incident for issuance of a Timely Warning Notice and for including the incident in the annual statistical disclosure. Our Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are available to all community members for reporting of these crimes.
To report a crime that occurs at an off-campus location, contact the appropriate local police department. In the case of an emergency it is always best to dial 911 and follow the procedures outlined above.
The University Police Department partners with community members to address issues of safety and security on campus. It is important that there are multiple avenues for community members to share information with the department. If you have information that you believe should be shared with UMPD -- and you wish to remain anonymous -- you may leave a voice message on the TIP line at (413)-577-TIPS (8477). Please provide as much detail as you can including date, time, location, what the incident is, and the name(s) of individuals involved. If vehicles were involved, please provide license plate and a vehicle description, if known. If remaining anonymous is not important to you, please call us at (413) 545-2121 and a Dispatcher will assist you at any time. Please consider speaking with one of our Dispatchers or a Police Officer to assist in the investigative process.
UMPD does not regularly monitor this tip line and an undetermined amount of time may pass before it is heard and acted upon. If your matter is urgent or requires a police response, please call UMPD Dispatch Center at (413)-545-2121 or in an emergency call 911.
One purpose of the federal law known as the Jeanne Clery Act is to encourage the reporting and collection of accurate campus crime statistics to promote crime awareness and enhance campus safety. The information collected will be used to compile statistics to be included in the Annual Security Report (ASR) that UMass Amherst publishes and distributes each fall.
As a Campus Security Authority (CSA), you are obligated to report to the University Police any incidents of the types of crime covered by the Clery Act in a timely fashion. These crimes are required to be published in an ASR and made available to the campus community in order to meet the requirements of federal law (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)). In addition to reporting crimes covered by the Clery Act, CSA’s are encouraged to report any and all crimes of which they are aware.
Any questions about the Clery Act, including what determines who is a CSA or your responsibilities as a CSA can be addressed by the UMass Amherst Clery Act Coordinator, Lt. Brian Henault at (413) 545-8095.
Start the required Online Training Program
- Go to Get Inclusive Training
- Log in by entering your UMass Amherst NetID and password, you will be directed to the training site.
To make a CSA Report:
CSAs: Contact Lt Brian Henault to make an incident report:
Lieutenant Brian Henault
(413) 545-8095
Once you have completed the training you can print a certificate of completion if you wish. The training module also records your completion of the training. If you have any questions or are having problems with your log in, please feel free to contact the UMPD Community Outreach Unit at (413) 545-3543. Press 1 for CSA Training and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please use this form if you have a complaint about one of the members of this department. It will be reviewed by a UMPD supervisor. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. In order to be responsive to the needs of our community, it is necessary to have citizen input. Your constructive comments about our service, good or bad, will help us to improve our services and achieve our goals.
If you would like to commend an officer, please let us know. You may use the form linked here. We appreciate hearing from you.
It is the policy of the University that community members immediately report crimes to the UMPD, whether they are victims or witnesses. Due to the sensitive nature of certain types of crimes, victims of sexual assault may choose to confidentially report crimes to the Dean of Students, The Center for Women & Community, or to residence life staff.
- Dean of Students Office Code of Student Conduct
- Center for Women & Community
- How to Get Support and How to Report Assaults Involving Students
Police reports are public records under state law, and therefore, the UMPD cannot hold reports of crime in confidence and will investigate all reports. When appropriate, we will refer violations of the law to the Dean of Students Office for review.
When a potentially dangerous threat to the University community arises, we issue timely warnings through email announcements and the post of Crime Alerts in the residence halls.
Every Residential Hall has a lost and found that's managed by the Residential Service Desk (RSD) staff. Check with the RSD staff for the item you lost. At the end of the semester, unclaimed items are delivered to UMPD.
You may use the Lost Property Webform. We will let you know if we have the item and set up an appointment with you to claim it - if recovered. Please bring your University ID or a state-issued I.D. with you when you claim your property. Property is released by appointment only.
Please read and consider the ALL of statements below to determine if your incident is appropriate for an online report. If it is, the system will allow you to immediately file a report that will be reviewed by our online reporting officer (this is NOT monitored 24/7, it may be 48 hours or more before the report is reviewed). It will also allow you to print a copy of the report at no cost.
Please confirm the following to find out if online filing is right for you:
- This is NOT an emergency requiring immediate police response.
- This crime occurred on the UMass Amherst Campus.
- You do not know who committed this crime.
- You were not physically assaulted.
- You are not reporting a vehicle accident - accidents should be reported in person, at the time of occurrence, so that the investigating officer can verify damage to the vehicle.
- The reported crime is a minor, misdemeanor crime.
- The crime does not constitute an ongoing threat to the community.
If the above statements are all TRUE, you are ready to file your report online. If any of the above statements are FALSE, you cannot use this system for online report filing and you should call (413) 545-2121 to report the crime.
Upon completion of this report process you will:
- See a message stating that “Your report has been submitted”. This indicates that your report is complete.
- Be provided with a temporary case number. A temporary printable report will be emailed to the address you provided.
Following officer review of your report any of the following may occur:
- You will receive an email detailing the reason(s) that your report was rejected.
- An approved, permanent report will be emailed to you at the address provided.
- You may be contacted by an officer if your report warrants further investigation.
Please Note:
- Review time will vary based upon case load and officer availability. Please expect approximately 48 hours for processing.
Incident Type Reporting Guidelines
Theft ($1200 or Under)
Property known to be stolen that is valued under $1200 may be reported online (this does not include motor vehicle theft). Lost property is not a theft. Appropriate incidents for online reporting would include items stolen from public spaces where no forced entry is required, unsecured lockers, classrooms or common areas such as residence hall lobbys, lounges or laundry rooms. If your residence hall room or vehicle were broken into, or the crime involved a business theft (money taken from a safe or cash drawer, embezzlement, etc) you cannot use the online reporting system, please call (413) 545-2121 to speak with an officer.
Theft (over $1200)
Property over $1200 is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Felony thefts (over $1200 value) are generally not eligible for online reporting. If the crime consist of a simple larceny (stolen from a public space without any type of forced entry), and there are no suspects, then the crime may be reported utilizing online reporting. If there are unusual circumstances surrounding the theft, then the online reporting officer may reject the online report and request that you contact UMPD to speak to an officer.
Submit a Report
Once you've read the above, and are ready to file your report, go to Online Incident Reporting
Project Protect is a service of the UMass Amherst Police Department to register your device (property). It is provided by the UMPD Community Outreach Unit.
Please complete the Project Protect Form to register your property. You may register as many items as you wish, but only one item per submission. Your property registration record will only be used for law enforcement purposes and will be not be retained indefinitely.