Course-Based Research Experiences
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) provide opportunities for undergraduates to gain research experience and practice scientific thinking-skills by participating in research projects conducted in the classroom. Studies have shown that undergraduates engaged in scientific research report a higher likelihood of persistence in STEM and greater sense of independence.
An example of implementing a CUREs approach is Introductory Biology's adoption of the SEA-PHAGES curriculum (Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science).
- Learn more about Introductory Biology's adoption of the SEA-PHAGES curriculum.
- View the Fall 2021 STEM Education Institute seminar: A CURE for undergraduate research projects: A community supporting faculty to introduce research into their laboratory courses.
- Visit CUREnet.
- Read A Guide to Course-based Undergraduate Research. This title is available through the UMass Libraries.
- Learn about how Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is using CUREs.
- Learn how the Biological Collections Ecology and Evolution Network (BCEENET) project is using natural history specimen data to implement CUREs.