Transfer Student Alliance Program
The College of Natural Sciences recognizes that transfer students strengthen our campus community.
Your lived experience enriches our learning environment and your perspective as a student who has attended another institution expands our understanding of the diversity of student experiences in higher education.
We are committed to your success whether you are transferring from a small liberal arts college, large university, or community college, and have some programs designed with transfer students' unique needs in mind.
Peer-to-Peer Mentoring
New to UMass? Apply to be paired with a Transfer Peer Ally. You will connect once a month during the fall semester and at least once in the spring. Interested in being a Transfer Peer Ally?
Social Gatherings
We host a gathering every semester for transfer students to meet each other, and key College and University staff, in an informal setting. For more information, please contact us.
Advice from CNS transfer students to CNS transfer students
What advice do our current transfer students have for incoming transfers? Read their words of wisdom and encouragement here: Advice for CNS Transfer Students