CNS Proctoring Center
The Proctoring Center will be open from 02/24/2025.
Rooms (tentative):
Monday: Morill 3 room 203
Tuesday: Morill 3 room 203
Wednesday: Hasbrouck Laboratory room 138
Thursday: Morill 3 room 203
Friday: Herter Hall room 205
For Instructors:
- To schedule an exam, instructors or their TAs should fill out the instructor exam information form. You will fill out this form once for each type of exam to be given at the Proctoring Center.
- Submit a pdf version of your exam by email to cnsproctoring [at] umass [dot] edu (cnsproctoring[at]umass[dot]edu) using this file naming format: COURSE_SEC_EXAM_ProfessorFirstLast.
Example: Dr. Mia Smith teaches Animal Science 101, section 4 and a student needs to retake exam 3. The exam file would be labelled: ANSCI101_SEC4_EXAM3_MiaSmith - If you provide additional attachments (e.g., reference sheet, figures), identify it at the end of the file name. Example: ANSCI101_SEC4_EXAM3_MiaSmith_ReferenceSheet
- ELECTRONIC EXAMS: We are unable to provide proctoring for electronic exams at this time. You are welcome to provide us with hard copies of your exams and send your students to the Proctoring Center.
- Completed exams can be picked up you or your prearranged designee at the CNS Advising Center in Room 220 Morrill II.
- Please note, should you have students with accommodations from Disability Services who need to take a make-up exam, those students must arrange to take the exam with Disability Services.