University Tuition and Fees:
Graduate students pay tuition on the basis of credits of enrollment. Audited courses are charged at the same rate as courses taken for credit. The per-credit tuition rate for courses offered through the University session is determined by dividing the maximum resident or non-resident tuition (set by the Board of Trustees) by 12. Graduate students who register for 12 or more credits pay the maximum tuition; those registering for less than 12 credits pay at the per credit rate.
For a schedule of current University tuition and fees refer to the Office of the Bursar website.
UWW Fees:
Class fees for UWW session classes are charged per credit. Costs per credit vary based on course and program. Exact cost per credit and course fees can be found in the Restrictions/Notes section on the class in SPIRE.
See the University Without Walls, website for UWW course costs and class information.
Mailing and Due Dates:
Notification of graduate student tuition/fee bills is generally sent by email several days after the add/drop deadline. The due date for payment is normally the end of the fifth week of the semester. Student charges can be viewed on SPIRE. You are responsible for paying the bill by the deadline indicated even if you do not receive a bill; therefore, you should check SPIRE regularly and pay your bill by the due date indicated.
Residency For Tuition Classification Purposes:
University tuition is assessed based upon the student's residency classification. Residency classification is determined at the time of application, based upon information provided in the admission application. All applicants applying as a Massachusetts resident or for the New England Regional Student Program must complete and sign a Residency Statement for that application to be fully processed. The Certification of Residency form is automated into the signature process for the application.
A person shall be classified as a Massachusetts resident only if they have resided in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for purposes other than attending an educational institution for twelve months immediately preceding the student’s entry or reentry as a student.
Note: Residency classification usually only matters when enrolling in courses offered through the University session. Students enrolled in courses offered through University Without Walls usually pay the same rate regardless of residency status.
Reclassification of Residency:
Residency for tuition classification purposes is not acquired by mere physical presence in Massachusetts while a person is carrying on a course of study at the University or other school. Residence in Massachusetts must be established for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to entering or re-entering as a matriculating student. The Tuition Classification Rules & Regulations should be read in full before submitting a Residency Reclassification Request.
Contact the gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (Graduate Student Service Center) if you have questions about your residency classification.