Master of Education / Education Specialist in School Counselor Education
The school counselor education program at UMass Amherst is committed to preparing graduates with the skills to ensure equitable educational experiences for all students. School counselors help create school environments that support students to stay in school and achieve at their highest level. Our program of study supplements rigorous coursework with a variety of in-school practical experiences.
Our major goal is to create multiculturally-competent school counselors who understand the contextual influences on children’s development and learning and who can intervene effectively in the complex systems that affect each child. Our students learn to analyze, interpret, and intervene directly with students and with the various facets of a child’s life, including peers, classrooms, families, communities, the school system, and local institutions. Our graduates are trained to implement school counseling programs that are consistent with the American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) National Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.