Room 330, Chenoweth Laboratory

Field of Study

Plant-based foods; Natural ingredients; Food biopolymers and colloids; Oral delivery systems; Gastrointestinal fate of nutrients and nutraceuticals; Food nanotechnology

Professional Bio

David Julian McClements is a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of Massachusetts.  He specializes in the areas of food biopolymers and colloids, and in particular on the development of food-based structured delivery systems for bioactive components. McClements received his Ph.D. in Food Science (1989) at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom) in ultrasonic spectrometry.  He then did Post-Doctoral Research at the University of Leeds, University of California (Davis) and University College Cork (Ireland). McClements is the sole author of "Future Foods: How Modern Science is Changing the Way We Eat" (2019), three editions of “Food Emulsions: Principles, Practice and Techniques” (1999, 2005, 2015) and of “Nanoparticle- and Microparticle-based Delivery Systems: Encapsulation, Protection and Release of Active Components” (2014), co-author of “Advances in Food Colloids” (1996) with Prof. Eric Dickinson, and co-editor of “Developments in Acoustics and Ultrasonics”, "Understanding and Controlling the Microstructure of Complex Foods”, “Designing Functional Foods”, “Oxidation in Foods and Beverages (Volumes 1 and 2)” and “Encapsulation and Delivery Systems for Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals”.  In addition, he has published over 1200 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals (H-index of 162 on Google Scholar), 12 patents, as well as numerous book chapters and conference proceedings.  Prof. McClements has previously received awards from the American Chemical Society, American Oil Chemists SocietySociety of Chemical Industry (UK), Institute of Food Technologists, and University of Massachusetts in recognition of his scientific achievements.  Dr. McClements is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society (Agricultural and Food Division), and Institute of Food Technologists. His research has been funded by grants from the United States Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, US Department of Commerce, NASA, and the food industry.  He has secured funding worth over $11.5 million as a PI or co-PI while working at UMASS.  He is the co-editor of Annual Reviews in Food Science and Technology, and a member of the editorial boards of a number of other journals.  He has organized numerous workshops, symposia, and international conferences in the field of food colloids, emulsions, and delivery systems. 

Professional Experience

  • 2016-Present: Distinguished Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
  • 2019-Present: Adjunct Professor, School of Food Science and Bioengineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
  • 2016-Present: Visiting Professor, Center for Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston,
  • 2014 to 2016: Adjunct Professor, Department of Biochemistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • 2005 to 2016: Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
  • 2000 to 2005: Associate Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
  • 1994 to 2000: Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
  • 1994 to 1994: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Food Chemistry, University College Cork, Ireland 
  • 1992 to 1994: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis
  • 1989 to 1992: Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow, Department of Food Science, University of Leeds, UK


The primary objective of the biopolymer and colloids research group is to establish the molecular-colloidal basis for the physicochemical and physiological properties of foods and their components, such as their texture, flavor, appearance, shelf-life, and nutrition. A better understanding of this subject will enable food scientists to design and manufacture high-quality healthful food products in a more systematic and cost-effective fashion. Particular research projects include: (i) development of structural design approaches to improve emulsion stability and performance; (ii) development of novel encapsulation and delivery systems; (iii) determination of physicochemical basis of the bioactivity of nutrients and nutraceuticals; (iv) creation of healthy and sustainable next-genreation plant-based foods (meat, seafood, egg, and dairy analogs). 


Analysis of Food Products (FD SCI 581: 4 Credits). Physical, chemical, microbiological and microscopic methods of examining food products.  With laboratory.  1995-2012.

Food Chemistry 1 (FD SCI 541: 3 Credits). Physicochemical properties of water, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.  2011-present.

Physical Phenomena in Foods (FD SCI 761: 3 Credits).  Physical and functional properties of foods: origin and modification of surface forces; electrophysical phenonena; colloidal aggregates and dispersions; stability of emulsions and foams; adsorption phenomena; properties of food polymers in solution; interfacial charge effects; structure and formation of gels. Fall 1995 - present. 

Graduate Seminar (FD SCI 797: 1 Credit). Readings, reports and discussions on current literature in area of food. 1994-present.

Food Colloids (FD SCI 797B: 2 Credits). Readings, reports and discussions on current literature and research in the area of food colloids. Spring/Fall 1996- present.

Future Foods (FD SCI 796F: 3 Credits).  Food architecture; Food gastrology; The Science of Deliciousness; Diet and Health; Nutraceuticals; The Gut Microbiome: Bioengineering; Food Nanotech; Food Sustainability (2019). 


Nicolas Appert Award.  The top award at IFT, which recognizes “preeminence in and contributions to the field of food technology”. Institute of Food Technology, 2019.

Lifetime Achievement Award. International Union of Food Science and Technology, IUFoST, 2018.

Distinguished Professor, University of Massachusetts, 2016 

#1 Cited Author, Agricultural Sciences, Essential Science Indicators (ISI Thomson Scientific), 2017-2019

Supleco/Nicholas Pelick – AOCS Research Award, Recognizing outstanding original research in fats, oils, lipid chemistry or biochemistry. American Oil Chemists Society, USA, 2015.

Babcock-Hart Award, Contributions to Food Science and Nutrition, Institute of Food Technologists, USA, 2015

Elected Fellow, Institute of Food Technologists, USA, 2015

Elected Fellow, American Chemical Society, USA, 2015

Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, U.K., 2014.

Hilditch Memorial Award, 2012, Society of Chemical Industry, London, U.K.

Research Award, College of Natural Sciences, 2010, University of Massachusetts.

Marcel Loncin Research Prize ($50,000). for Basic Research in Foods, Institute of Food Technologists, USA, 2010

Academy Lectures Series Award, ConAgra Foods, February, 2010.

Stephen S. Chang Award.  Outstanding accomplishments in lipid research, American Oil Chemists Society, USA,2010.

Research and Creative Activity.  University of Massachusetts, Amherst Faculty Convocation, USA, 2008.

Fergus M. Clydesdale Professor of Food Science.  Endowed Chair.  7/1/07 – 6/30/12.

Highly Cited Author in Agricultural Sciences, ISI Thomson Scientific, Philadelphia.

Research and Development Award, Institute of Food Technologists, USA, 2007

8th Ranked Internationally, Highly Cited Author in Agricultural Sciences, 1996-2006 (Ranked by Total Citations).  Science Watch, ISI Thomson Scientific, Philadelphia: DJM – 125 Papers, 1,300 citations.

Award for the Advancement of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, USA, 2006

Food Chemicals Codex (2005-2006), National Academies – Committee Member.

Samuel Cate Prescott Award.  Outstanding Ability in Research in Food Science and Technology, Institute of Food Technologists, USA, 1999

Young Scientist Award. Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society, USA, 1996



  1. D.J. McClements (2023).  Meat Less: The Next Food Revolution, 350 pages. Springer Scientific, New York.

  2. D.J. McClements (2022).  Food Nanotechnology, De Gruyter, Boston.

  3. D.J. McClements and L. Grossmann (2022). Next-generation plant-based foods: Design, Production, and Properties, 572 pages. Springer, New York, NY.

  4. D.J. McClements (2019). Future Foods: How Modern Science is Transforming the Way We Eat, Springer, New York, NY.

  5. D.J. McClements (2015).  Food Emulsions: Principles, Practice and Techniques, 2nd Edition, 609 pages. CRC Press.  Boca Raton, Florida.

  6. D.J. McClements (2014). Nanoparticle- and Microparticle-based Delivery Systems: Encapsulation, Protection and Release of Active Components.  CRC Press.  
  7. N. Garti.and D.J. McClements (2012). Encapsulation and Delivery Systems for Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals. Editors.  Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  8. R. Elias, D.J. McClements & E.A. Decker (2010).  Oxidation in foods and beverages and antioxidant applications (I). Editors.  Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  9. R. Elias, D.J. McClements & E.A. Decker (2010).  Oxidation in foods and beverages and antioxidant applications (II). Editors.  Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  10. D.J. McClements & E.A. Decker (2009).  Designing Functional Foods. Editors.  Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  11. D.J. McClements (2007).  Understanding and Controlling the Microstructure of Complex Foods. Editor.  Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
  12. D.J. McClements (2005).  Food Emulsions: Principles, Practice and Techniques, 2nd Edition, 609 pages. CRC Press.  Boca Raton, Florida.
  13. D.J. McClements (1999).  Food Emulsions: Principles, Practice and Techniques. CRC Press.  Boca Raton, Florida, 378 pages.
  14. E. Dickinson and D.J. McClements (1995).  Advances in Food Colloids, Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow.
  15. M.J.W. Povey and D.J. McClements (1992) Editors.  Developments in Acoustics and Ultrasonics.  Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, U.K.

Publications in Journals

Google Scholar (DJM)