Use this template to build your your proposal.  Copy/paste the template below into a Word document the paste in your written proposal, your work sample images, and your writing sample directly into this document.  If you are submitting time-based images, please make them available online and provide a link (Google Drive, Vimeo, YouTube, etc.)

When you are done:

  • save/export your proposal as a PDF
  • rename the PDF file as: LastName_FirstName_BFAThesisProposal.pdf
  • attach the renamed PDF to an email and send to this address:



BFA discipline:

Expected graduation semester:

Ranked list of three full-time faculty to serve on your committee:




Below, copy and paste directly into this document:

  • 300-500 word project proposal (refer to the BFA Thesis Guidelines for what to include)
  • Three to five artwork sample images
    • for time-based work samples, provide a working link
  • A writing sample from an academic class, eight-10 pages