Accommodations and Access for Students
Disability Services works with students to understand each person’s individual needs and arrange the appropriate accommodations, which can include additional time to complete assignments, exam proctoring, and more.
Accommodations and Access for Faculty and Staff
The Accessible Workplace unit located within Human Resources, is responsible for administering reasonable workplace accommodations for faculty and staff through an interactive process. Visit the Accessible Workplace website to find out more about workplace accommodations, how to register and related forms.
Human Resources also offers the following for faculty and staff:
- Employee inclusivity trainings
- Short-term counseling and consultation through the Employee Counseling and Consultation Office (ECCO)
Physical Access on Campus
From locating the most convenient parking to requesting accommodations to attend an on-campus event, use these links to help make UMass Amherst’s campus more accessible for your needs.
Other Resources
Know Your Rights
Every UMass Amherst student with disabilities has rights and responsibilities that it’s important to be aware of, from access to reasonable accommodations to meeting university qualifications.
Need Help or Have a Question?
If you need help locating an accessibility resource at UMass Amherst or have a question or comment about our services, please fill out this form.