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Selected Publications

  • In press. Sanjiv Gupta, Liana C. Sayer, and Philip N. Cohen. “Earnings and the stratification of unpaid time among U.S. women.” Social Indicators Research.
  • Sanjiv Gupta and Michael Ash. “Whose money, whose time? A non-parametric approach to modeling housework.” Feminist Economics, v.14: pp.93-120. 2008.
  • Sanjiv Gupta. “Autonomy, dependence, or display? The relationship between married women’s earnings and housework.” Journal of Marriage and the Family, v.69: pp.399-417. 2007.
  • Sanjiv Gupta. “Her money, her time: women’s earnings and their housework hours.” Social Science Research, v.35: pp.975-999. 2006. Read more.
  • Sanjiv Gupta. “The consequences of maternal employment during men’s childhood for their adult housework performance.“ Gender & Society, v.20: pp.60-86. 2006.

Recent presentations

  • 2006 — “Absolute earnings, relative earnings, and women’s housework.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles.
  • 2005 — “Housework, income, and nation: a comparative investigation of the effects of women’s and men’s incomes on housework hours.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia.

Grants & Proposals

  • “Women’s earnings and the risk of divorce, 1968-2003.” Proposal for the R03 program under review, NICHD.

Funded Projects

  • FRG. Love and Marriage in Contemporary Urban India.