Rosemary Pang
Installing R & RStudio (Mac OS only); R programming; basic math & stat review
Contact details
M. Rosemary Pang is a lecturer in the Data Analytics and Computational Social Science (DACSS) program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She teaches courses in Intro to R, survey analysis, and text analysis.
She received her doctoral degree in the Political Science and Social Data Analytics dual degree program at Pennsylvania State University. Prior to arriving at Penn State, she earned a master’s degree from Purdue University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China.
Her substantive research and teaching interests are in the politics in autocracies, with a current focus on party institutionalization and corruption. While she conducts research on authoritarian regimes from a comparative perspective, she has specific expertise in Chinese Politics.
Methodologically, her research focuses on computational social science, natural language processing in English and Chinese (e.g., text mining, quantitative text analysis), measurement, and survey analysis.