David Cort
Associate Chair of Sociology
Professor of Sociology
Professor of Sociology
David Cort's research focuses on social demography, social epidemiology, and social stratification.
Contact details
dcort [at] soc [dot] umass [dot] edu
Thompson Hall
200 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
Office 838
Selected Publications
- Cort, David A., Reynolds, Kathryn, & Chakraborty, Debadatta. Forthcoming. “HIV Stigma Beliefs and Unprotected Sex Among Teenagers and Young Adults in sub-Saharan Africa: The Moderating Role of Media Exposure.” Social Science & Medicine.
- Cort, David A. 2022. “From Myopia to Clarity: Missed Opportunities and New Directions in an International Research Setting.” In Silences, Myopias, and Blind Spots in Research Practices. Edited by Kathy E. Davis & Janice Irvine. London, United Kingdom: Routledge Press.
- Billings, Katie, Cort, David A., Rozario, Tannuja, & Siegel, Derek. 2021. “HIV Stigma Beliefs in Context: Country and Regional Variation in the Effects of Instrumental Stigma Beliefs on Protective Sexual Behaviors in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southern Africa.” Social Science & Medicine.
- Avent-Holt, Dustin, Hallsten, Martin, & Cort, David A. 2020. “Occupational Status and Organizations: Variation in Occupational Hierarchies Across Swedish Workplaces. Research on Stratification and Social Mobility.
- Cort, David A. and Hsin Fei Tu. 2018. "Safety in Stigmatizing? Instrumental Stigma Beliefs and Protective Sexual Behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa." Social Science & Medicine 197: 144-152.