Christopher Boone
Assistant Professor of Economics
Labor Market Policy
Economic History
Contact details
cboone [at] umass [dot] edu
Crotty Hall
411-417 N Pleasant St
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
Office 206
Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2020-present
- Assistant Professor, School of Hotel Administration and SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, 2015-2020
Research Interests:
- Labor Market Policy
- Economic History
- Agriculture
Selected Publications:
- “Unemployment Insurance Generosity and Aggregate Employment,” with Arindrajit Dube, Lucas Goodman and Ethan Kaplan. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming.
- “The Effects of Tip Recommendations on Customer Tipping, Satisfaction, Retention, and Spending,” with Damon Alexander and Michael Lynn. Management Science, Articles in Advance, June 2020.
- “The Political Economy of Discretionary Spending: Evidence from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,” with Arindrajit Dube and Ethan Kaplan, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2014.
- “Household Water Supply Choice and Time Allocated to Water Collection: Evidence from Madagascar,” with Peter Glick and David E. Sahn, Journal of Development Studies, 47(12), 2011, pp. 1826-50.