Contact details


Thompson Hall

200 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003
United States

10th floor


Selected Publications

  • Paik, Anthony, Kenneth Sanchagrin, and Karen Heimer. 2016. “Broken Promises: Virginity Pledge Breach and Health.” Journal of Marriage and Family.
  • Sanchagrin, Kenneth, Karen Heimer, and Anthony Paik. 2015. “Adolescent Delinquency, Drinking, and Smoking: Does the Gender of Friends Matter?” Youth and Society.
  • Steuber, Keli R., and Anthony Paik. 2014. “Of Money and Love: Joint Banking, Relationship Quality, and Cohabitation.” Journal of Family Issues 35:1154–1176.
  • Paik, Anthony, and Kenneth Sanchagrin. 2013. “Social Isolation in America: An Artifact.” American Sociological Review 78:339–360.
  • Paik, Anthony, and Vernon Woodley. 2012. “Symbols and Investments as Signals: Courtship Behaviors in Adolescent Sexual Relationships.” Rationality and Society 24:3–36.
  • Ramirez, Marizen, Anthony Paik, Kenneth Sanchagrin, and Karen Heimer. 2012. “Violent Peers, Network Centrality, and Intimate Partner Violence among Young Men.” Journal of Adolescent Health 51:503–509d.
  • Ellingson, Stephen, Vernon Woodley, and Anthony Paik. 2012. “The Structure of Religious Environmentalism: Movement Organizations, Interorganizational Networks, and Collective Action.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51:266–85.
  • Paik, Anthony, John P. Heinz, and Ann Southworth. 2011. “Political Lawyers: The Structure of a National Network.” Law and Social Inquiry 36:892–918.
  • Paik, Anthony. 2011. “Adolescent Sexuality and the Risk of Marital Dissolution.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73:472–485.
  • Paik, Anthony, and Layana Navarre-Jackson. 2011. “Social Networks, Recruitment, and Volunteering: Are Social Capital Effects Conditional on Recruitment?” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40:476–496.
  • Gatzeva, Mariana, and Anthony Paik. 2011. “Emotional and Physical Satisfaction in Noncohabiting, Cohabiting, and Marital Relationships: The Importance of Jealous Conflict.” Journal of Sex Research 48:29–42.
  • Paik, Anthony. 2010. “‘Hookups,’ Dating, and Relationship Quality: Does the Type of Sexual Involvement Matter?” Social Science Research 39:739–753.
  • Paik, Anthony. 2010. “The Contexts of Sexual Involvement and Concurrent Sexual Partnerships.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 42:33–42.

Current Grants

  • Paik, Anthony (co-PI), Marizen Ramirez (co-PI), Shelly Campos (co-I), Octav Chipara (co-I), Padmini Srinivasan (co-I), Cori Peek-Asa (co-I), and Karen Heimer (co-I). January 2014 – December 2016.
  • “Contents and Contexts of Cyberbullying: An Epidemiologic Study of Using Electronic Detection and Social Network Analysis.” National Institute of Justice.