Anthony Paik
Secretary of the Faculty Senate
Professor of Sociology
Professor of Sociology
Tony Paik's research focuses on several areas, including social networks, social demography, and the legal profession.
Contact details
apaik [at] soc [dot] umass [dot] edu
Thompson Hall
200 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
10th floor
Selected Publications
- Paik, Anthony, Kenneth Sanchagrin, and Karen Heimer. 2016. “Broken Promises: Virginity Pledge Breach and Health.” Journal of Marriage and Family.
- Sanchagrin, Kenneth, Karen Heimer, and Anthony Paik. 2015. “Adolescent Delinquency, Drinking, and Smoking: Does the Gender of Friends Matter?” Youth and Society.
- Steuber, Keli R., and Anthony Paik. 2014. “Of Money and Love: Joint Banking, Relationship Quality, and Cohabitation.” Journal of Family Issues 35:1154–1176.
- Paik, Anthony, and Kenneth Sanchagrin. 2013. “Social Isolation in America: An Artifact.” American Sociological Review 78:339–360.
- Paik, Anthony, and Vernon Woodley. 2012. “Symbols and Investments as Signals: Courtship Behaviors in Adolescent Sexual Relationships.” Rationality and Society 24:3–36.
- Ramirez, Marizen, Anthony Paik, Kenneth Sanchagrin, and Karen Heimer. 2012. “Violent Peers, Network Centrality, and Intimate Partner Violence among Young Men.” Journal of Adolescent Health 51:503–509d.
- Ellingson, Stephen, Vernon Woodley, and Anthony Paik. 2012. “The Structure of Religious Environmentalism: Movement Organizations, Interorganizational Networks, and Collective Action.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51:266–85.
- Paik, Anthony, John P. Heinz, and Ann Southworth. 2011. “Political Lawyers: The Structure of a National Network.” Law and Social Inquiry 36:892–918.
- Paik, Anthony. 2011. “Adolescent Sexuality and the Risk of Marital Dissolution.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73:472–485.
- Paik, Anthony, and Layana Navarre-Jackson. 2011. “Social Networks, Recruitment, and Volunteering: Are Social Capital Effects Conditional on Recruitment?” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40:476–496.
- Gatzeva, Mariana, and Anthony Paik. 2011. “Emotional and Physical Satisfaction in Noncohabiting, Cohabiting, and Marital Relationships: The Importance of Jealous Conflict.” Journal of Sex Research 48:29–42.
- Paik, Anthony. 2010. “‘Hookups,’ Dating, and Relationship Quality: Does the Type of Sexual Involvement Matter?” Social Science Research 39:739–753.
- Paik, Anthony. 2010. “The Contexts of Sexual Involvement and Concurrent Sexual Partnerships.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 42:33–42.
Current Grants
- Paik, Anthony (co-PI), Marizen Ramirez (co-PI), Shelly Campos (co-I), Octav Chipara (co-I), Padmini Srinivasan (co-I), Cori Peek-Asa (co-I), and Karen Heimer (co-I). January 2014 – December 2016.
- “Contents and Contexts of Cyberbullying: An Epidemiologic Study of Using Electronic Detection and Social Network Analysis.” National Institute of Justice.