Research Security Training Enrollment Instructions

Research security training, including basic and more detailed advanced courses, are available through the CITI Program.

Enrollment Instructions:

  • Go to the CITI Program
  • Select University of Massachusetts Amherst from the dropdown menu and click on Continue to SSO Login/Instructions.
  • Enter your UMass Amherst NetID and Password. If this is your first time on the CITI platform through UMass Amherst SSO, you may be asked to complete a profile or update an existing one.
  • The Welcome dashboard lists your Active Courses, Courses Ready to Begin, and Completed Courses. If this is your first time at the site these sections will be empty. 
  • To add a course, go to the bottom of your Welcome dashboard. Under Learner Tools for University of Massachusetts, select Add a Course
  • On the Select Curriculum page, choose Research Security and click Next.
  • On the Selection page, choose Research Security Training (Combined) - This is the shorter version or Research Security Training. Either will satisfy the regulatory requirement.
    • Choose the Research Security Advance Refresher if you are renewing your training.
    • You are also welcome to complete the Undue Foreign Influence Risks and Mitigations.
  • A list of optional Webinars will appear on the next page. You may select any that are of interest or none at all. Click Next to move to the following page.
  • CITI will return you to your Welcome dashboard, where your choice(s) will appear under Courses Ready to Begin.
  • Select Start Now to begin the training​.

If you have any questions regarding this training, please contact Melinda LeLacheur, Research Compliance Program Coordinator, at @email or (413) 545-5283.