Enables mutually beneficial collaborative partnerships between the university and off-campus community organizations. It also supports special projects and related scholarship that will address a community-identified problem, need, or opportunity. LEARN MORE
Assists faculty with the cost of producing books and scholarly publications, and creative work in the visual and performing arts. LEARN MORE
SPARC is a major investment of $800,000 aimed at supporting interdisciplinary research and creative activities at UMass Amherst. SPARC grants will build upon and strengthen our existing campus strengths such as data science, health and wellbeing, social justice and equity, sustainability and the environment, and technology, arts, and society, as well as other emerging areas at the leading edge of research and innovation.
The SPARC fund is a single program to streamline and replace the Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IRG) and Large-Scale Integrative Research Awards (LIRA) programs that were offered for the past two academic years. LEARN MORE
For bargaining unit members who are active in research and who do not have access to significant alternative funding, such as Research Trust Funds, gifts, external research grants, etc. LEARN MORE
Promotes research, scholarly, and creative activities in all disciplines and fields. The program supports projects that will lead to the production of publications or creative works, attract external funding, increase competitiveness for awards, and enhance faculty recipients’ reputation and research profile. LEARN MORE
Encourages faculty at UMass Amherst to pursue research that has a significant likelihood of major science or engineering impact. Intended for faculty members with aggressive research visions. LEARN MORE
Provides tenured professors with a unique opportunity to focus on their research or creative activities. Fellowships are managed by the office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement (VCRE) and provide a one-year release from teaching and service duties in addition to a $3,500 cash award. LEARN MORE
The libraries at Harvard University have unique borrowing policies and charge access fees for users not affiliated with the institution. To support the research needs of UMass Amherst faculty and researchers at Harvard Library, the Vice Chancellor for Research & Engagement will provide funding to reimburse the fee(s) for faculty (tenured or tenure-track) incurred by the faculty’s home department. LEARN MORE