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How will you make a difference?

Environment | Healthcare | Education | Policing | Immigration | Equity and Social Justice | Technology 

As a public policy student, you’ll develop the skills and knowledge you need to understand complex issues like climate change, policing, technology, immigration, and more. You will learn policymaking, economics, writing, leadership, and statistics, so you have the toolbox of skills needed to help shape solutions to pressing problems. You will be equipped to make a difference in the world, whatever your particular passion.

of rising seniors in the public policy major have had a significant professional experience (internship, research, service)
of public policy majors graduate with an understanding of how to write a resume & cover letter, network, and pursue a career
of policy seniors have studied off campus–Thailand, London, Copenhagen, Ecuador, Copenhagen, Madrid, Boston internship

Ready to be a changemaker?

Check below to learn the answers to commonly asked questions. 

What is public policy, exactly?

Public policy looks at how government addresses or could address public problems such as climate change, healthcare, education, immigration, policing, technology, sustainable development, and more. Majors think about how the government, nonprofits, the private sector, and individuals interface to tackle these societal issues. They take leadership and management courses, so they are poised to make positive change.

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