The Department of Classics offers four concentrations within the classics major:
Greek and Latin Languages
The Greek and Latin Languages Concentration is for students wishing to study the remarkably rich and varied literature of the ancient Greeks and Romans in the original languages. Students select from a wide range of courses treating epic and lyric poetry, drama, history and biography, rhetoric, and philosophy, covering the major genres and authors of Greek and Roman literature.
Classical Civilization
The Classical Civilization Concentration is for students wishing to examine the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans as an area of study, including art and archaeology, mythology and religion, ancient history, literature, and language.
Classical Archeology
The Classical Archaeology Concentration is for students wishing to examine the material culture of the ancient Mediterranean. This track draws on methodologies and resources from literature, art history, anthropology, and archaeology.
Classics and Philosophy
The Classics and Philosophy Concentration is particularly suitable for students wishing to study the ancient Greek philosophers in the original languages and consequently requires four full years of the ancient Greek language in addition to a number of courses in the philosophy department, including two introductory Philosophy courses (e.g. PHIL 100, 100H, 110) and two ancient philosophy courses (e.g. PHIL 320, 328). We also offer the option of ancient Roman philosophy, which would require courses in Latin language rather than Greek. If you are interested in the classics and philosophy track, please contact the Department of Classics at 545-0512 for more information. NOTE: This concentration is configured as its own separate, interdepartmental major.
How to become a Classics Major
To declare a Classics major and to choose or change your major track, see the Classics Department Administrator, Lisa Marie Smith. New and prospective majors are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the Undergraduate Program Director. Starting September 2, 2024, the UPD will be Professor Shannon Hogue.